Deep Thoughts

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A/N - None of the art in this story is mine. 

Shinso pov - 

       I lay on the floor with self inflicted cuts laying all over my wrists and arms. Every time I start to get even a little better I end up relapsing after blowing another one of my chances to get into the hero program at U.A. I remind my self how useless I am and how I can never do anything right I cant even get into the hero program at U.A. I slit a few more semi deep cuts into my arms before I get my self up off of the floor and hide my razor into my cabinets. I walk over to my dorm room closet and put on one of my over sized black hoodies. I remained myself that I just have to work harder but after failing at the sports festival yesterday I know I blew my last chance to get into the hero program.  

_____Time skip_____

          I wake up to a loud alarm coming from my night stand. "I must have fallen asleep last night after getting dresses" i thought to myself. I realize I have school today and I need to get dressed so I can head to class in a few minutes. I grab a long sleeve T-shirt to put underneath my school uniform so that people cant see my cut up arms.  I grab my school things  and a monster from my mini fridge then i run out of the door and head to class. I get to class on time and I sit in my seat at the back of the class looking out of the window. I dont bother talking to anyone im not here to make friends im here to study and try to get into the hero program. "Everybody take there seats" I hear my teacher yell from the front of the class. I see everybody quickly sit in there seats and all of the sound stops thankfully. My teachers head looks out of the door way concerned then he looks at me and back out twords the person who I assume is standing there. "What the Hell could they be talking about" i wonder. My teacher shakes his head yes to something while looking more relived than he did before and then someone walks into the room. "Shinso, may I talk to you for a moment?" A tired looking man with a scarf looking thing asks me. "isint this the teacher from 1a" I silently ask  myself. I stand up and walk towards the two teachers while shaking my head yes. I am curious to see what mr. Aizawa has to say. 

Aizawa Pov- 

    I saw this young boy in the sports festival who had potential to be a great hero. He never made it into the hero course but I think that could have been a mistake. He lost at the sports festival but he seemed to have some potentale. His quirk lets him brainwash people if they answer his questions. I think he could make a fine hero if only someone puts some time in to train him well. I decided to ask his homeroom teacher if I could spend the day with him so that I could ask him some questions and see if he is worth my time. After asking him if I could talk to him I see the boy follow me out into the hallway. He looked confused and curious but he also looked tired and sad. I should pay attention to tholes emotions while we hang out today. "Hi, so I am Aizawa, i am the teacher for 1a in the hero course i wanted to spend the day with you today so I could ask you a few questions." I say to him. He looks surprised that Im even taking time out of my day to talk to him. " Sure, but may i ask what the questions are?" he asks confused and almost suspicious of what I want. I simply just tell him that he will find that out eventually. He dosent seen content with this answer but he lets it go for now. 

_________Time skip to after lunch_________ 

    shinso hasent talked that much today other tan his short answers to my questions. He has looked like he was in slight pain all day and he didint eat much during lunch. but he could always be worried about why I am talking to him. I decide it would help me make my decision on if I want to train him if I see him in action. " ok,lets go train a little bit so I can see how you fight better since i didinit get to see much during the sports festival. "Ok" is all he says although he looks worried.

Shinso Pov- 

Aizawa has been asking me odd questions all day. things like "whats your dream?" and "how exactly dose your quirk work?" Is he thinking about helping me get into the hero program? before that thought can get any bigger I cut it out of my brain knowing im not good enough to ever become a hero. My arm has been hurting all day, I must have cut a little to deep last night. I hope aizawa dosent see that im in pain or he could think im weak. He asks me to train with him. I agree but im a little nervous that my arm will get more hurt during our training. Im also worried I will blow another shot at getting into the hero course. 

--------------Time skip  --------------

While we are training he is having me fight him. I am espoused to some how beat him while he is using his scarf. All of a sudden he grabs my arm with his capture scarf. "oww" i accidentally yell out but continue to try and doge his attacks hoping he didint hear me but he stops and pulls me closer by his scarf then he lifts up my sleeves before I get a chance to stop him. 

Aiwzawa Pov-  

   I hear shinso yelp after I grab his arm with my scarf so I pull him closer to me so that I can see what has been bothering him and when I lift up his sleeve I am surprised. There are cuts all over his arm. 

 A/N- Yep thats that for now 

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