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The light grew brighter, the closer the group got to it. The figure waited, as they watched the group of friends climb the stairs, reaching the roof of the school.

She waited in excitement as her friends looked around the roof, and smiled when the second figure walked up to them.

Nam-ra spoke, however all was inaudible to Hyun as she hid.

Hyun was happy to see all her friends, together in one place. Scanning their faces from far away, she saw them all smiling. She tried looking at each of them individually, checking on how they've changed each from the last time they were together.

But something distracted her. No. Not something.. someone.

There stood Lee Su-hyeok, as he smiled, seeing Nam-ra smiling back at her friends, but a clear sense of disappointment shown as he didn't see her. His friend. His lover. His Hyun.

Hyun sighed out in frustration, angry with herself for turning down Nam-ra's offer to meet them, but she couldn't.

After running away, the two had learned to live with their problems, learning from their mistakes as they started to grow. The thirst to eat was getting weaker, as their self control improved.

It was all going well until one day, while they walked in the forest, an odd noise was heard. The two turned around slowly, to see what was the matter..

" did you hear that? " Hyun mumbled, nervously looking around.

" yeah... I don't see anything though, perhaps it was an animal? " Nam-ra suggested, not finding anything.

" an animal? I suppose... haven't seen much signs of wildlife around though.. most got wiped out during the explosion from a month ago.. " Hyun trailed off, memories flooding back into her head.

They looked around once more, before confirming there was nothing and continued their walk. It wasn't long before the same noise was heard once more, only... closer.

" ok. Something's definitely there. I can hear it. " Hyun stated, keeping her hand wrapped around her bag.

" yeah.. I heard it too. If not an animal.. then what? " Nam-ra asked curiously.

" HEY. IS ANYONE THERE? " Hyun shouted, hoping it was some lost kid... or adult... or human.

" don't shout. Better not make any noise or movement, it'll draw it closer. "

Hyun nodded, motioning a zipper over her mouth, and looked around, staying in her spot.

Again, a few minutes passed by. Nothing.

' I don't see anything.. it's quiet now too.. maybe it is an animal. ' Nam-ra mouthed, pointing down the trail to tell Hyun it should be safe to go.

' yeah.. let's just keep walking. '

And so they did, continuing though the forest, walking peacefully without any noise bothering them.

It was almost as if the creature had left, they thought, but boy were they wrong. Right when they reached the end of the forest, something came running from behind, quickly and pounced on Hyun.

It all happened so fast, the creature appeared than disappeared without a trace. All that was left was the scar on Hyun's face, scratched from their claws.. or nails.

Although it being 2 months ago, the scar remained. Fresh. Or so it felt. Nam-ra had tried to make her feel better about it, telling her how it was fading away, and soon it would be gone. But Hyun could see right through her.

Hyun was ashamed. Not because she couldn't fight back, saving herself from receiving the scar, no. She was ashamed that she left. Ashamed she made the cowardly move and ran away from her problems. While Nam-ra had her reasons for leaving, so did Hyun.

What would the others think of her now, would they miss her? Nam-ra said so, she claimed they'd been leaving snacks out and writing notes. Hyun never checked, scared she'd go and see one of them. Hiding, in hopes they'd reunite once more.

Or maybe they'd be happy. So happy they'd forget all the tears being shed on that last moment they all shared before it all went away. So happy to see their friend once more that they'd be so happy, they'd welcome her back in with warm arms and cry tears of joy.

I know I'm overthinking this.. but why am I? The answer should be really simple. You come back, they're happy, and boom. Happy friends, stay together, happy life and no more troubles.

It's the 'what if?' Filling my mind that ruins it all for me.. I just..

Not knowing how long she was thinking to herself, Hyun looked up from her hands to the rooftop, where the group watched as Nam-ra looked out in the distance, facing Hyun while she hid, and jumped off the roof, landing easily on her two feet.

They waited a while, before heading back to the base.

Hyun smiled watching them walk back, wishing she were with them.

One day.. I'll work up the courage to meet you guys again.

I'll see you all again, and I'll share the stories of what happened after i left.

Perhaps even the strange encounter too... maybe we'll all figure it out together and live happily in a normal life.

Just wait. I'll meet you once more Su-hyeok, and we can be happy together.

Please, wait for me.


𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐅 , suhyeok¹Where stories live. Discover now