vi | gyeong-su

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     Hyun sat on a chair, slumped against the wall

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     Hyun sat on a chair, slumped against the wall. She kept her glare on Na-yeon, as the pink-sweater girl looked away.
The rest of the group stayed silent, some calming down from the intense screaming competition that just took place.
Su-hyeok stood across from Hyun, sneaking small glances at her. Nam-ra sat next to Hyun, looking at her turned head.
" Are you, okay? " She asked.
" what makes you think i'm not. " Hyun sternly replied, not moving her head.
" You're squeezing my hand. it hurts. "
Nam-ra replied, holding up her hand, connected to Hyun's.
Hyun immediately let go, turning to her friend, and apologizing.
" Sorry, it's just..... i'm just. so angry. " She sighed, head hanging low.
" it's fine. you don't need to explain yourself. "
Nam-ra said, rubbing her hand slightly. Hyun exhaled loudly, turning her head over to Ms. Park.
" Ms. Park? How.. long has it been? "
Ms. Park paused, " Well, it's been around 8 minutes. "
Hyun groaned angrily, continuing to glare at the main cause.
" Will you stop glaring at me! Was i really that wrong to suspect him!? Everyone else did! "
Na-yeon shrieked, standing up causing her chair to fall backwards.
" Yes. yes you were. is it that hard to comprehend in your tiny fucking hea- "
Hyun yelled, taking a couple steps closer when Su-hyeok ran up behind Hyun, pulling her back.
" Just.. leave it be. Before she starts to suspect you too. " She was about to protest, but Su-hyeok gripped her arm tighter, looking her right in the eye,
" please. "
His grip softened, as her glare softened, complying to his request.
He went back to his spot, Hyun standing next to him.
" So.. are you going to tell me what you wrote? "
He asked again, looking down at the girl.
" What.. no. It's nothing, seriously. just a reminder that we were in the broadcasting room. "
" So, nothing else? Just that? "
He arched his eyebrows, hoping for a more interesting answer.
" Yes. How many times do i have to tell you? "
Hyun chuckled, slapping his arm. Su-hyeok screamed internally, happy to finally get her to laugh after all that screaming at Na-yeon.
" She gets on my nerves too you know, "
Su-hyeok said, gesturing to Na-yeon who scowled back at Ji-min.
" She gets on everyone's nerves. "
Hyun replied, rolling her eyes.
" True.. " he said, followed by a very awkward next couple of seconds until he decided to ask,
" So.. do you like anyone? "
This captured the attention of Hyun, who never wouldn't have guessed those were the words coming out of the boys' mouth.
" What? " She muttered, looking Su-hyeok. Boy was he red.
" Oh, nothing... forget i said that. " He stuttered, mentally face palming. Hyun was about to ask again when Dae-su called out for the two.
" Guys "
" Maybe they're drawn to smell. " Dae-su said.
" They go after you like crazy. " Wu-jin said, pointing his pen at Dae-su.
" I don't smell. "
" You sweat a lot. "
" I sweat, but i don't smell. "
" What is that smell? "
Dae-su asked, sniffing around. " Your sweat. "
" I think they're more sensitive to sound than smell. "
" sound? "
" yes, sound. "
" This isn't a movie. "
" That's how most zombies are. And you saw their eyes. they can't see with those eyes. "
Hyun got up from her seat, not wanting to hear anymore and joined Cheong-san at the door.
She followed his gaze, and watched as he stared at On-jo from a distance.
" You should just talk to her. Instead of being a creep. " He scoffed, pushing her playfully before walking over to On-jo who was sitting behind the desk.
Hyun looked through the window, watching Gyeong-su fidget with his fingers. She couldn't stand Na-yeon if it wasn't already clear.
This just made Hyun hate her even more. Always spreading rumors, and picking on Gyeong-su.
Not to mention she had no good reason to be picking on him in the first place. She just didn't like him because he wasn't as wealthy as her.
So what? It doesn't define him.
He turned around, noticing Hyun standing by the door. His expression changed as he smiled, waving to her. She waved back, chuckling at how fast his expression changed.
' it's been 30 minutes, you can come out soon. ' she mouthed, using hand gestures to try and get her message across.
He rolled his eyes, waving her away, signaling that he won't come out. Cheong-san walked away from On-jo, back to Hyun.
" How is he? "
He asked, peering through to see Gyeong-su, his back facing the door.
" He won't come out any time soon. Waved me off just now. " Cheong-san chuckled.
" Well, he's stubborn. Just like you. "
Hyun looked up offended.
" What? What do you mean i'm stubborn? "
" In the science lab. You wouldn't climb down, cause you were writing Su-hyeok's note. You didn't have to, but you did. You almost died because of it. "
" Ah, but i didn't "
She waved her finger in front of his face, poking his eye.
" Ow! "
" Try to talk to him yourself. "
Hyun walked away, Joining On-jo at the table as Cheong-san talked to Gyeong-su behind the door.
" Hi. " On-jo looked up.
" I'm sorry.. " On-jo mumbled, grabbing her friend's hand in hers.
" Why? "
" I didn't even think about how you felt. After... "
On-jo said, and Hyun understood.
" You shouldn't have to be sorry. You were closer with her anyways. You're grieving. It's normal. " Hyun replied, kneeling on the floor.
" I miss her.. " On-jo whispered, looking down to Hyun.
" Me too.. "
The two looked at eachother in silence, when they heard Cheong-san step back, talking to Ms. Park.
" It's been over 30 minutes, and he still won't come out. " She nodded, walking into the recording room.
" Okay, i'll bring him out. "
The rest got up, walking to the window, watching as Ms. Park talk to Gyeong-su.
" what's wrong with him? "
" He's fine. "
" he's totally fine. "
" I knew it. "
They talked amongst themselves, when Gyeong-su looked back at them, shaking his head and turning back to Ms. Park.
" Why is he being so stubborn? "
" he won't come out, right? " Cheong-san sighed irritated, his head hanging low.
" He's so pigheaded. "
" He's so stubborn. "
Ms. Park walked out of the room, and the students started asking questions.
" What's going on with him? "
" he won't come out? "
" he says he'll stay the full hour. " She said, facing the group.
" He's sulking. "
" I'll go in. " Cheong-san volunteered.
" Why should you? If anyone should go in, it's Na-yeon. " Ji-min said, causing all heads to turn back at Na-yeon who was sitting on a chair, in the corner of the room.
" Why should i? "
" He's like that because of you. " Ji-min yelled, taking a step forward, before On-jo pulled her back.
" What did i do? "
" Like you don't know. "
" Was it wrong to suspect him? You did too. Every last one of you. "
" I didn't suspect him. " Cheong-san said.
" I didn't. " Hyun spat out, as Na-yeon rolled her eyes.
" Me neither. " Dae-su said, raising his hand. Hyun turned to him questionably.
" I did. She's right. But i didn't look down on him like you did. "
Ji-min said, looking to Na-yeon at that last part.
" Why are you picking on me? " Na-yeon asked innocently.
" You're the only one acting that way. "
" That's enough, Ji-min. "
Ms. Park said, walking towards Na-yeon.
" You remember your promise, right? That you'd apologize after 30 minutes. "
" Yes. " Na-yeon replied, not looking at Ms. Park.
" How do we know she's going to actually apologize? One of us should go inside with her. Make sure she does it. I know she won't-- " Hyun stepped forward, and Ms. Park turned to her.
" Gwon Hyun. Please. "
She turned back to Na-yeon. " it's been 30 minutes. "
" Fine. " Na-yeon said, looking at everyone's unhappy faces, and walked into the recording room.
The others followed behind, leaning on the window to watch.
" She's going to him. " Dae-su whispered. Na-yeon took out a teal handkerchief, dabbing it onto his hand.
" Does Gyeong-su like that stuff? " Dae-su asked, as the others laughed.
" I have no idea. " Su-hyeok replied.
" He doesn't. This is why i said someone should go to, to watch her. "
Hyun coldly replied, looking at the two boys. Dae-su cleared his throat, turning his head back. 
" They're going to kiss. "
Dae-su said, as Gyeong-su got up from his seat, standing in front of Na-yeon.
Hyun slapped his head, digging her hands in her pockets.
" I'll kill him if he does. "
Na-yeon turned around, walking out when the others started to clap, walking towards the door.
" Hey! "
" How nice was that-- "
" You little-- " Gyeong-su yelled, running after Na-yeon as the others ran to hold him back.
" You really are a fucking... " He cried out, the others turning to Na-yeon who had a slight smirk on her face.
Hyun groaned, banging on the table.
" I told you! I told you.... and no one listened to me. shir.. " She turned away, facing the window.

" Why must i always take it? "
Gyeong-su said irritably, as Su-hyeok rubbed his back.
" Did you really say that? You promised me. " Ms. Park scolded.
" i did nothing wrong. " Na-yeon defended herself.
" It's just who she is. "
Hyun spat out, clenching her jaw. She had enough of Na-yeon in one day.
" You only think about yourself. You said not to let our friends in. You said to close the door before they came in. that's not right. " Ji-min said.
" We almost died because Gyeong-su pulled Mr. Kang in. But you don't say a word about that? "
" He didn't pull him in. he didn't know what would happen. "
Cheong-san angrily said, walking over to Na-yeon.
" That's enough. Quiet, everyone. "
Ms. Park said.
" We'd be quiet if she was gone. " Ji-min yelled.
" I've never heard anything more true in my life... " Hyun muttered.
" Whatever. All of you are so annoying. What if i'm right? Then will you admit i saved you? " She asked, looking around at the others.
" How could you still be this way? "
Cheong-san asked. Na-yeon turned her head, looking over at Gyeong-su.
" Look. "
" See if i'm right or wrong. " Everyone turned to Gyeong-su, watching as suddenly, a drop of blood fell from his nose.
" What? " He asked, opening his eyes.
" Gyeong-su. " Cheong-san called out.
Gyeong-su raised his hand, wiping his nose. His hands started to shake.
" See? You still think i'm wrong? " Na-yeon asked. He stood up, pushing his chair.
" Hey. what's wrong with me? Something's wrong with me? " He asked, veins becoming more prominent, eyes getting red.
" What the fuck? What's wrong with you. "
Cheong-san asked, as he stepped forward.
" it's not true. "
" Get rid of him. Get rid of him now! " Na-yeon screamed, pushing Joon-yeong.
" No, i-- "
Gyeong-su started, the rest running behind, when On-jo yelled.
" Stop it, Gyeong-su. Don't do that. "
" Fuck, I'm not! "
" I'm sorry Gyeong-su. Still, don't do it. " Hyun walked closer, standing beside Cheong-san.
" I've turned, haven't i? What do i do? "
He asked, eyes getting watery as he looked at the two.
" No. No, it can't be. Why would you... " Cheong-san mumbled.
" Cheong-san.. " On-jo muttered, pulling him back when he shook her arm off. " Let go. "
" Moron. it's not true. Why would you suddenly... " Gyeong-su looked down at his hands, shaking in fear.
" Gyeong-su... " Hyun whispered, walking towards him.
" Stay away. Don't come any closer! Fuck! "
He screamed, stepping back. He started to turn, tears forming in everyone's eyes.
Everyone except Na-yeon.
" What are you doing? Tell him to get out. We're all going to die! "
Na-yeon ran towards the door, taking the umbrella out. " Get out. I said get out! "
" Shut up! fuck! I'll leave. I'll leave on my own. " He looked up.
" Why would i bite you guys.... We're fucking friends? "
" if i leave, it'll all be fine. "
" Gyeong-su. Why don't you just go back into the recording-- "
" What will you do if we all die? " Na-yeon asked.
" Na-yeon! " Ms. Park screamed.
" We all have to live. "
" I'll leave. " Gyeong-su said, slowly walking to the door.
" I'll get out of here on my own. "
Hyun cried, tears falling down her cheeks, blurring her vision. She turned her around, watching Gyeong-su as he pulled himself by the desk, struggling to walk by himself.
" Sorry, i'll get out of here. "
" Gyeong-su. " Cheong-san called out.
" it's okay. " Gyeong-su reassured.
" thank you, guys. for everything. really. stay alive. "
He turned back once more.
" Thank you Hyun. for defending me.. believing me. I really owe you. "
She wiped her face with her sweater,
" It's fine. don't worry about it. " She smiled, choking on her words.
" And Cheong-san. "
He turned to the boy.
" Thank you for being the best friend i could ever ask for... "
Cheong-san cried, standing in place. Gyeong-su put his hand on the door when he suddenly stopped, turning around and looked at the others.
" Stop it! Stop it, please! I'm scared! " He froze, sliding to the ground, starting to turn.
He got up, screamed, and ran towards the group, Dae-su pushing him back. He pushed him into the table, Gyeong-su easily getting back up. Dae-su grabbed the keyboard, prepared to hit him with it when Cheong-san crouched on the windowsill, whistling to Auld Lang Syne.
He caught Gyeong-su's attention, and the boy ran towards Cheong-su at full speed, reaching out to grab him when Cheong-su swung onto the hose, watching as Gyeong-su plummet to the ground.
He got back up, running along with the other zombies, Cheong-san watching until he was out of sight.

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