ix | you better come back

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     Hyun bounced an eraser on the floor out of boredom, waiting for Su-hyeok and Cheong-san to come back

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     Hyun bounced an eraser on the floor out of boredom, waiting for Su-hyeok and Cheong-san to come back. " Hyun.... do you like Su-hyeok? " On-jo nervously asked. " What? Why would you think that? " Hyun replied, looking over to On-jo confused. " I... I think he likes you. Don't you think so? " On-jo asked.
" No, of course not. we're just friends. besides, i didn't know anything about him until yesterday. You said you didn't care too remember? " On-jo sighed happily, Grateful to hear that her best friend hadn't developed feelings for her crush. She was worried that with the amount of time they spend together, watching them look at each other from across the room, Hyun would one day walk up to her to tell her that they were dating.
On-jo shook her head, turning back to Hyun.  " Right. Just making sure. " Hyun smiled, patting On-jo's shoulder.  " Ok " she smiled brightly, turning away to continue bouncing the eraser on the floor. On-jo turned back to the window, waiting for Su-hyeok and Cheong-san.
She hoped Cheong-san was safe, as she wouldn't know what to do if he got hurt, or worse. bitten. This isn't a crush right? She thought to herself, starting to bite her nails.
No... it couldn't be. she didn't like Cheong-san. She liked Su-hyeok. She's just looking out for her friend.
A friend. Just friends.
She thought back to when Hyun said she and Su-hyeok were just friends. Is this how she felt about him? Maybe Hyun did like Su-hyeok and just didn't know it yet. On-jo pushed the thoughts out of her head. Hyun wouldn't lie to her. She's a good friend. ' what are you thinking? ' On-jo muttered to herself, and thought back to when the rumours of her and Cheong-san dating started to get more popular.


     " Are you really dating Cheong-san? " I-sak asked, annoying On-jo.  " I already told you, we're best friends! you know that. "  I-sak nodded suspiciously. " Okay..... i have to go home early today. appointment. " She said before picking her bag up and leaving the classroom. Hyun walked back into the classroom, Na-yeon running up to her.
" Did you know Cheong-san and On-jo are dating? I said it before, but no one else believed me, but now i have proof! look! " She squealed, holding her phone up to show a picture of On-jo and Cheong-san hugging. " They're.... hugging..? I don't see how that counts as proof. " Hyun sighed, as the rumours has been going on for quite some time. " But look! What pair of friends would really hug like that? You can't deny that it's even a little suspic— " Na-yeon pestered before Hyun pushed her aside, taking her seat beside On-jo. Na-yeon frowned at her reaction, before walking over to Su-hyeok who had just walked into the classroom to spread the gossip. " Hey, Su-hyeok! Look at this! Don't you think..."
" How are you feeling? " Hyun asked, as On-jo kept her head down on her desk. " What do you think. " On-jo mumbled, not in the mood to talk. " I mean, you guys aren't dating right? " Hyun asked. " Don't tell me you believe it too? " On-jo mumbled angrily.
" Whoa... i never said that, i'm just making sure. " Hyun defended, raising her hands. On-jo sighed apologetically, resting her head in her hands.
" Hey.. " Hyun comforted, patting On-jo's back. " You know you guys aren't dating right? " On-jo nodded.
" This rumour was spread by Na-yeon, right? " On-jo nodded once more. " Then no one's really going to care much soon. It'll die out. I promise. " On-jo smiled, as Hyun was most of the time good at comforting her whenever she was down. She meant most of the time.
One time On-jo's fish passed away and the girl was upset. Hyun didn't know how to react and chuckled slightly. Obviously that was the wrong move as On-jo ignored her for a week, until Hyun gave her 3 packs of her favourite chocolate. It was not fun. " Thanks. " Hyun smiled back at her friend before continuing on like she normally does. " I mean besides, imagine how Cheong-san feels?? He's probably a blushing whenever people ask him if you guys are dating. He's probably so embarrassed right now, he'll pay someone else to be his girlfriend just to stop people from asking. Oh, or maybe— " Hyun continued like this for a while, making up random scenarios of what Cheong-san would do every time someone asks him if he and On-jo are dating.
On-jo laughed, forgetting all about the others around her. Hyun stopped talking, looking at her friend who was having the time of her life.

𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐅 , suhyeok¹Where stories live. Discover now