xvii | im sorry

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" Sir. Please save us. " Dae-su awkwardly asked, with his hands raised in the air.

" Get down on the ground. "

" Get down! " They yelled once more, and slowly the kids got down.

" Examining the area. Hyosan High rooftop . Nine survivors confirmed. Checking temperatures now. "

They spoke as if talking to someone else. Probably the officers at their base. They walked over, checking each of the group's temperatures.

Hyun cursed in her head, praying that they wouldn't be able to tell. Su-hyeok noticed her behavior, and gripped her hand tightly. " Shhhh... don't worry. " He whispered before an officer came by, telling him to shut up.

When they reached Hyun and Nam-ra both of their results came back low.

" 34.5 degrees. "

" 33 degrees. " The officer stated.

What would they do with me? Would they leave me behind in the school? Hyun thought, as she closed her eyes tightly.

" Providing a warming blanket. " The officer simply said, as another came with 2 warming blankets in hand.

" Two have hypothermia. The rest are normal. " The officer stated, walking back to the others.

" We'll rescue them after completing our mission. Over. " Hyun let out a sigh of relief, looking to her right to see Nam-ra looking back at her. The two shared a smile, before Hyun looked back to Su-hyeok.

" Did you hear that? We're really leaving! " He whispered, a smiling forming on his face. Hyun nodded, grinning back at him.

" You may get up now. " The officer shouted. " Are you the only survivors? " He then asked.

" We don't know. I'm sure there are more. " Cheong-san answered.

" We'll go down for a few minutes. Wait right here. " They said.

" Aren't you going to rescue us? " Ji-min asked, not wanting to stay on the rooftop any longer.

" We will. So don't go anywhere. Don't do anything. Just stay here. Understand? " The officers instructed.

Nam-ra walked over to Hyun and held onto her hand. " Are you feeling ok? " She asked. " Yeah, why? "

" It's just.. You didn't show as much symptoms as me, but you're colder. Why? " Hyun paused at the question, curious as to why she was able to fend off the symptoms easier.

" I.. I don't know. Maybe Gwi-nam.. Bit you harder"Hyun shrugged, speaking softly. " It's alright. That makes sense though. " Nam-ra sighed, as she covered her ears when gunshots were heard.

They entered the area where the science lab would be, and Hyun could hear Joon-yeong and Dae-su discussing what they could possibly be doing.

That sounds reasonable, but what could they possibly need that is so important from the science lab? When they returned, they got the harness' out.

" Come to the pick-up position. Over. " The officer called out, as the helicopter flew closer. " We'll pull you up one at a time. Stay still even if you're scared. Okay? " They instructed.

" Aren't you landing the chopper? " Ji-min asked.

" We can't for safety reasons. He'll pull you in. So don't worry. " The officer reassured as the group watched one of the officers being pulled up. " You can't go all at once, so let's go one by one. "

" You can't take us all? " Cheong-san asked. " We're taking all of you, but you have to go up one by one. " The officer clarified.

" Ji-min, you go first. "

" You go first. Go. " On-jo and Wu-jin shouted over the loud noise, they nudged Ji-min to the front where she strapped on the harness.

" Go first! " Dae-su yelled, as he smiled. They were finally going home. Finally.

Hyun walked over to Nam-ra wrapping her arms around the girl. " Hey, it'll only be for a little more. Then we'll be brought somewhere safe. " Nam-ra nodded, keeping her eyes shut. All was well until one of the officers spoke to someone through microphone.

" But their temperatures were fine! "

Something was wrong.

" Understood. Over. " The officer than turned back to the group. " Operation canceled! We'll take only the package and pull out! "

They started lowering Ji-min as the others started yelling.

" She's coming down. " " Hey. "

" She's coming down! "

" Why? What's wrong? "

" She's coming down! "

" Why is she coming down? "

" What's going on? "

" I don't know. "

" What? " Hyun muttered, as Nam-ra finally looked up.

They were going to abandon them. They took the harness off Hyo-ryung pushing her back to the others.

Ji-min came back down, and they took the harness off her. She pleaded for them to take her with them but they wouldn't say a word.

" Please! Take me with you! I want to go! " She yelled walking back up. They pointed a gun at her as she cried.

" Take me with you! "

" Why won't you take us with you? "

" Sir! "

" Wait a second! What's wrong? We're not zombies! " Joon-yeong pleaded.

" Step back. Step back or we'll shoot! Stand back! " The officer yelled out, and the group stepped back.

" Sir! Can't you just take a few of us? " Cheong-san yelled. The officer pointed his gun in the air and shot multiple times.

" I'm begging you. Please take just a few of us. " Cheong-san took one tiny step closer, and the officer shot the air once more.

" Sir. " Cheong-san pleaded as the officer slowly stepped back, attaching the harness to himself.

" I'm sorry. "

They pulled him up into the chopper, while the group watched from down below. They're stuck on the rooftop once more.

Hyun watched as the chopper flew away, not coming back. Su-hyeok wrapped his arms around her in comfort. A teardrop falling from her eye.

𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐅 , suhyeok¹Where stories live. Discover now