xxiii | together again pt.2

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Relief washed over Hyun's face as she watched On-jo hug her father. The rest quickly ran out while the girl stayed in the arms of her father.

" .. Is that.. " Su-hyeok mumbled next to Hyun.

" Nam So-ju. On-jo's father. " She smiled.

" Are you okay? Are you hurt? " He asked frantically, checking for any injuries.

" What took you so long? " On-jo cried out. " I kept waiting. "

Not able to answer, he turned to the rest of the group, asking if they were all okay. " They nodded faintly, before he turned to face Cheong-san.

" Cheong-san. "

" Mr. Nam. "

" Oh, Hyun. " He smiled, before hugging the girl too.

" Hey, She softly mumbled, comforted by his appearance.

" Can you all run? " He asked, after he pulled apart from the hug. The students replied with a yes, and he turned to face the side.

He explained how they would be going through the tennis court, than the construction site, to reach the mountain.

" Go over the mountain and get to Yangdong-- "

" Mr. Nam! "

Turning to where Cheong-san was facing, Hyun watched as a zombie ran towards the group quickly. So-ju stopped the zombie, twisting it's leg as he pushed it towards the ground.

" Kids, run! "

" Ah, shit. " Mi-jin cursed before the group ran along the path, away from the school. While the others went straight for the path, On-jo ran to her father, grabbing his hand before pulling him along.

Su-hyeok stayed at the back with Hyun as they made sure everyone else ran safely. He grabbed onto Hyun's hand, smiling as she smiled back awkwardly.

" I'm still me you know? " He joked, " Don't feel uncomfortable around me. Okay? "

Hyun nodded. " Yeah, okay. "

" What the fuck are you guys doing? Hurry up! " Wu-jin yelled back, only to get hit by Ha-ri.

" We better go. " Hyun mumbled, before pulling Su-hyeok with her up the path.

" Hurry! To the tennis courts! "

They got inside, locking the door on one side, only to see a group of zombies outside the other.

" We can't go out there. We can't. "

" What should we do, Dae-su? "

" Damn it. "

" What do we do? "

" We're screwed. "

All of a sudden, the door to the court sprung open, and the zombies flew in one by one. So-ju quickly reached into his backpack, while the others hit the zombies with their bats.

He threw the flare, and the zombies followed, giving them a second to escape.

It wasn't long before the zombies lost interest, and turned back towards the group.

" Cheong-san. Take On-jo. "

" Dad. Where are you going? " " Dad! "

On-jo cried as her father blew his whistle, catching the attention of the zombies. Hyun ran back to On-jo, wrapping her arms around her to make sure she doesn't follow. Su-hyeok followed along, and Cheong-san grabbed onto On-jo's hand as comfort.

He lit another flare, directing their attention to it, lighting another as he shouted out to the group.

" Run! Get out! Go out now! "

They all ran outside the court, with So-ju following behind when a zombie ran towards him. He punched the zombie, hitting it to the floor when another came, biting his hand. He quickly pushed the zombie off, as Su-hyeok and Cheong-san helped him up.

So-ju grabbed the two boys, pushing them outside the court and locked the door with him inside.

On-jo ran to the door, looking at her father's hand. " Dad... Dad. "

" Look at me, On-jo. Go. Run. Go! "

" Dad.."

" Go! " He yelled

" On-jo! Go.. " He cried as the zombies ran towards him, biting him.

" Dad! " She cried, before following the group as they ran away.


They soon made it to the construction site, running inside when Nam-ra suddenly yelled. " Stop! "

And they did.

" What? What is it? "

It was quiet until zombies came out from the other side, running towards the group.

" Go upstairs! Go! "

" Hurry! To the second floor! "

" Hurry! "

They ran upstairs, with the zombies hot on their trail. Reaching the second floor, they looked around trying to find a place to hide.

" Where do we go? "

" There's no where to go! "

Hyun followed Nam-ra as they ran towards a sheet covering a hole. Nam-ra peeked outside, and yelled back to the others.

" This way! "

" Is there a way! "

" let's go out this way. "

" The bench. "

They grabbed the bench, helping each other through one by one quickly before the zombies reached them.

" Hurry up! "

Once all on the platform, the crouched down out of sight.

" Stay away from the edge. "

" Okay. "

" Come here. "

" Quiet. Don't say a word. " Nam-ra hushed.

Hyun sat with her back against the wall, squeezing her eyes shut. Su-hyeok held her hand tightly, as the two slowed their breathing.

He looked at her, nudging her slightly before raising his eyebrows, trying to ask if she was alright.

Hyun opened her eyes, saw his message, and nodded slightly, before turning to look at On-jo who was currently being comforted by Ha-ri.

It was obvious why, of course. But heartbreaking to think about. Hyun had always felt welcomed in On-jo's home, as she was almost always there.

It felt like her second home. The atmosphere was calm and happy. So-ju always welcomed Hyun in whenever she came over.

But now, it would never be the same. Because Nam So-ju was long gone.


note: I'm really sorry for the long hiatus! I know it's getting repetitive, with me saying I'll try to update more frequent, blah blah blah, so I'll just say it here. I don't know if I'll be able to update frequently. I'm really busy with school, and don't have any motivation. I really want to finish this book so I'll try to get this done before the end of summer. Thank you to anyone who stuck this long, and is reading this right now. I really appreciate it.

OTHER HALF , lee suhyeokWhere stories live. Discover now