xix | together again

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Cheong-san opened the door back inside the building, as they each carefully descended down the stairs.

" Don't let go of my hand, ok? "

Nam-ra nodded, clutching onto Hyun's hand tightly. No zombies were shown, when suddenly lightning struck, and there appeared half of a zombies body, laying on the floor.

" Damn it. "

It didn't appear to be moving, but the group proceeded with caution, careful to not trigger it. One by one, the group climbed down the stairs, passing by the body, till they reached the bottom where a group of zombies were standing around.

" What is it? "

Cheong-san held his hand up, telling the others to stop.

" Are they there? "

Lightning struck once more, and the zombies ran another way, giving the group a chance to escape.

" Let's go. " Cheong-san whispered, as he gently pulled On-jo with him.

Wu-jin suddenly tripped, with Joon-yeong pulling him back. The rest froze, not wanting to make anymore noise.

" Are there any zombies coming our way? " Hyun whispered, leaning over the railing.

Cheong-san peered down the hall, then shook his head as he turned back. " let's go. " He repeated, running across.

After hours spent inside the school, they finally got out, crouching by the entrance. A zombie stood in front of the school, blocking their path.

" I'll lure that zombie and go that way. Use that time to get out. "

On-jo shook her head. " No. "

" I'll lure that zombie and.. " He repeated, when On-jo raised her fist.

" Let's just go along the wall and cross over there. " She suggested, holding Cheong-san's hand.

Hyun watched the two talk, smiling before pushing On-jo down. " get down. " She whisper/yelled at the two.

" Go along the wall. " She whispered to Hyun, and Hyun passed down the message.

" Go there, along the wall. "

" Back there? "

" What? "

They all climbed over the bushes, walking by the wall as they tried to stay hidden.

Nam-ra clutched her head, running behind Hyun. Hyun noticed she was falling behind and grabbed her hand, pulling her along. " C'mon, hurry. "

They walked along a bunch of metal pipes, hiding behind a truck.

" Hey. I'll go first. " Dae-su whispered, crawling under the truck.

Cheong-san suddenly got up, staring at the figure on the other side. " Mom..? " He mumbled, causing Hyun to pop her head up. " What? "


" Mom. " He called out, trying to climb across.

" Cheong-san! " On-jo yelled, pulling him back down.

" Damn it. " Dae-su cursed, climbing out from under the truck. When he came out, he was met with Cheong-san's mother clawing at the truck.

" What the fuck? "

He kicked her down, hitting her with the metal pipe in his hand.

' oh no. ' Hyun thought, trying to call out to Dae-su, but her voice was drowned out by sound of heavy rain.

" Dae-su! "

" Stop it.... stop it! "

Cheong-san climbed over the truck, pushing the two away from his mother.

" What are you doing? " Dae-su yelled as he got pushed to the ground.

Cheong-san climbed on top of the boy, punching his face repeatedly.

" Cheong-san! "

" What the hell? "

" You son of a bitch! " He screamed, attracting the zombies.

Wu-jin and Joon-yeong continued to hit the zombie, causing Cheong-san to push away Dae-su and run towards the two. Su-hyeok ran over to grab Cheong-san, stopping him from attacking the others.

" let go! "

" Get the fuck off me! " He wriggled in Su-hyeok's arms, trying to get free.

" Mom! "

This seemed to catch the attention of Joon-yeong and Wu-jin who stopped what they were doing, catching on to the situation.

" Mom.... " Cheong-san cried out, falling to the ground.

" Hurry. "

" let's go! "

" We need to go! "

The others quickly ran away as the zombies started running towards them. Hyun stopped when she say Cheong-san stay still, with Su-hyeok and On-jo around him.

" Cheong-san. We have to go. " She sternly yelled, as the two carried him to the others. Nam-ra was waiting for the four, as she started running with them when suddenly the thunder struck.

On-jo and Su-hyeok turned around to watch her clutch her head when Hyun ran up to her.

" It's ok. " She mumbled, draping her around around her shoulder.

" Go ahead! " She yelled as the three ran ahead, leaving Hyun and Nam-ra to run behind them.

Cheong-san looked back once more, calling out for his mom as On-jo and Su-hyeok pulled him away.

" They're here, hurry up! " Dae-su yelled when the five caught up to the others.

They reached the gymnasium, where they all quickly entered. Nam-ra stopped, staring into the darkness.

" Nam-ra, what's wrong? " Joon-yeong asked as the worried girl.

" damn it. "

" Run away. " She repeatedly mumbled, when lightning struck, bringing the zombies into view.

" What the fuck? " Mi-jin mumbled.

" Run! "

and they did.

Ha-ri opened the door to the storage room, and the group started running in.

" Come on! "

Joon-seong fell out of the wheelbarrow, and Mi-jin tried to get him but was too late when the zombies crawled over his body.

Ha-ri pulled her back, as she cried out for her friend.

" Fuck off, assholes! No! Joon-seong! "

They closed the door behind her, her cries echoing in the room.

𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐅 , suhyeok¹Where stories live. Discover now