Dont call it jealousy.

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I held Kian's hand as we wove through the dancing crowd. Right now I didnt care about Sam or Kylie, just wanted to have a fun night with Kian. A rap song came on and we preteneded to grind, honestly it was hilarious.

"Lauren there you are!"Ashley said as she tapped my shoulder. When she realized how me and Kian were dancing she gave us a wierd look and we bursted out laughing.

"Uh okay....where were you?Sam has been looking all over for you!"She exclaimed. I looked up and Kian and he wrapped his arm securely around my shoulder.

"We went for a walk."Kian stated. Ashley glanced over at his arm around my shoulder.

"Oh, Did Sam do something?"She asked.

"Mmm we'll talk about it tomorrow"Ianswered shaking it off.

"Okay then."She said shrugging it off and dancing with us. We spent forever dancing ridiculously and laughing. A slow Ed Sheeran song came on, and we stopped our crazy dancing, disappointed.

"Hey Ashley do you want to dance?"Eric said shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.

'I would love to."Ashley replied, her eyes lighting up. As soon as they stepped away Kian and I started whispering to each other.

"Aww look at Ashley!"I exclaimed.

"Ive been waiting for them to get together."Kian answered."Meanwhile, would you like to have this dance with me Mrs.Richards?"

I smiled and nodded. Kian pulled me out towards the dancefloor and he placed his hands on my hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck in return. We slowly swayed to the soft was perfect.

"Youre the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."He whispered into my ear. I smiled and looked at him, meeting his gaze. Before I knew it our heads were leaning towards each other and we were kissing. It wasnt anything huge and spectacular, it was just a sweet innocent kiss.

As soon as we broke off I looked up to see Sam staring at Kian and me. He looked really upset and.....jealous?,but why should I care, hes got Kylie! Throughout the rest of the dance I could still feel his eyes on me like glue. "No its not jealousy, Lauren. "I kept repeating in my head.The song ended and it was getting a little crowded so Kian,Ashley,Eric,and I decided to cool off in the front yard.

"Im starving."Eric whined as he put his head on Ashley's shoulder. Kian wrapped his arms around me from behind, his body warmth blanketing me.

"Yeah me too."Ashley answered.

"Do you guys want to go get something to eat?"I asked, intertwining my hands with Kian's.

"YES! We should go to IHOP im craving pancakes."Kian exclaimed.

"Ooo that sounds good."Ashley announced.

"Then leggo!"Eric cheered.

"Race you."Kian gloated challenging Eric. The two took of racing towards the car. Ashley and I followed behind.

"Lauren wait!" Sam grabbed my arm and spun me around."I need to talk to you." He huffed.

"Okay."I said simply. This time I wasnt going to make a huge deal of it. Its in the past, I guess theres really no need to worry about it.

"Listen what you saw in there is not what it looks like."He blurted quickly.I wasnt going to let this bother me.

"Honestly Sam its fine, I understand that you Kylie like each other, you dont have to hide anything."I said in a fake cheery voice in smile. See, apparently Sam had gone and told Eric everything when I went on the walk with Kian. Eric then told me all of this.Turns out Sam did like me, but for some reason he and kylie 'kissed' by 'accident'.Yeah uh huh by 'accident'.

I didnt need to be moping over Sam, I had Kian.

"No I do-"Sam contradicted.

"Sam, its okay, Im not mad. sorry I have to go, goodnight!"I said cutting him off and turning around quickly so that he wouldnt have a chance to answer.

Love Triangle (Kian Lawley and Sam Pottorff)Where stories live. Discover now