Sneaky one.

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Lauren POV

I woke up feeling happy and relaxed.I felt really bad that Sam was sick and had to stay home. I decided to call him and see how he was doing.Chris had a relative that worked at Six Flags and could get us all in for free. He also hadnt met Sam yet.

"Hello?" Sam said on the other line. Ooo his morning voice was hot.

"Hey, are you feeling better?" I asked.

"Oh uhm im feeling better. I miss you." He replied, and I instantly smiled.

"I miss you more. Are you doing anything today?"I answered, hoping he'd say no.

"No i think I still have a little cold, sorry babe."He replied. I felt like I hadnt seen him in soo long. I didnt want to be nosy and annoying so I didnt bother asking what he was doing.

"Its okay." I said.

"Wait were you planning on doing something today?"He asked curiously.

"Oh uh, well me Kian Ashley and Eric are going to Six Flags with Chris because he can get us in for free." I said,

"Oh. Who's Chris?" Sam answered in a wierd tone.

"Hes this guy me Ashley and Acacia met when we went to the Grove."I said." We really want you to meet him"

"Actually I might be able to make it. What time are you guys going?"He added quickly.

"Were all meeting at 1 and will most likely be there until it closes." I said.

"Is it okay if I meet up with you guys later on?" He asked.

"Of course!"I answered. We said our goodbyes and I got ready. I put on my high waisted denim shorts that had a pattern on one side and tucked in a loose white vneck. I slipped on my red converse and spritzed on some perfume.


I woke up feeling guilty. I shouldve just said bye to Kylie and went to see Lauren. I went on my phone to check instagram. I immediately went to Lauren's profile. She had three new pictures, one was of food, and the others were with Ashley Kian Eric and some other guy. In fact, she was on this other guy's back in one of them!

Ok, no need to be jealous Sam. I felt soo left out, they all looked like they were having soo much fun.Who was that guy? And why was my girlfriend on his back? I read the comments and most people were saying that Lauren and whoever that was looked soo cute together. They should be saying that Lauren and I look cute together!

 My phone started ringing so I answered it. Lauren's voice came from the other end. I felt really bad because she wanted to hang out. At least she hadnt asked where I was going. I didnt know what to say, so I just lied and said I was still sick.

But as soon as she said she was going somewhere with not only Kian, but Eric, who im pretty sure hits on her all the time, and some guy named Chris whos probably the one everybody keeps saying she looks good with I instantly panicked.

What if Lauren realized she didnt want to be with me anymore?I havent exactly been the best boyfriend. I told Lauren I would meet her later on, there was no way I was going to let all those guys hit on her all day!

I got ready and headed out to Kylie's house. When I arrived I couldnt believe I was in front of the house that had been featured in soo many magazines and tv shows. I nervously rang the door bell and Kylie answered, wow she was hot. She engulfed me in a huge hug.

We hung out for a while in her gigantic house. It got really warm so I took off my hoodie.

"Hey sam, lets take pictures!"Kylie exclaimed. I agreed and we started posing. She kissed my cheek in one of them, and I suddenly felt guilty. I had a girlfriend who I should be with right now.

I noticed the time and quickly said goodbye. Luckily there was no traffic so I was able to get to the amusement park quickly.I called Lauren.

"Hello?"She answered, I could hear guys voices in the background."Kian put me down!" She laughed. Kian had his hands on my girlfriend!

"Hey babe im in the front."I replied slightly annoyed.

"Ok well meet you there."She said before hanging up. Within a few minutes I saw her heading towards me, looking perfect as ever. Lauren immediately wrapped her arms around me and I gave her a quick kiss.

"You smell like perfume." She giggled.

"Ohh mustve been my moms, she was taking care of me when I was sick."I nervously said.

She introduced me to Chris. Honestly, he seemed nice, I just didnt like his relationship with Lauren. The rest of the night was soo much fun. It was getting cooler and I noticed Lauren started shivering. This made me realize that I left my jacket at Kylie's. Damn, now wouldve been the perfect time to give her mine!

"Here"Chris said handing her his hoodie. Really man?

"Thanks chris. Ill remember to let you wear one of mine next time."She laughed. I didnt know what to do so I gave her a long kiss. I could feel Chris's eyes on us. Ha take that! Throughout the night I made sure that Eric and Chris knew for sure that Lauren was my  girlfriend.

We all decided to get dinner. Ashley pulled me aside.

"Jealous are you Samuel?" She asked, her eyebrows raised.

"What?" I asked innocently, but that was exactly how I felt.

"Cmon youre jealous of Lauren and Chris" Ashley stated.

"Fine, just a little, but shes my girlfriend" I exclaimed.

"Sam, she's almost spent more time with Chris then she has with you."She argued. Whoa, I hadnt noticed that."And I dont think this looks like you were sick"

Ashley held her phone up to my face. Shit, Kylie had posted a collage with pictures of us ichatting last night, her giving me a kiss on the cheek, hanging out, and in the last one she was wearing the hoodie I left at her house. Oh no.

"Ok I can explain.."I muttered.

"Go ahead"Ashley answered.

"I didnt mean to ditch you guys last night, but Kylie tweeted me and shes kylie jenner, so of course I wasnt going to ignore it, just imagine its you but with Niall Horan. And I didnt mean for things to get out of hand, but we just started talking and talking and eventually planned on meeting up. I didnt tell Lauren about it because im an idiot and decided to lie instead."

" nice one Sam. Lauren wouldve understood, shes not the clingy type,but the fact that you lied to her is really bad. One thing I know about her is that she absolutely hates lies. So you better find a good way way to explain this to her."Ashley replied.

" Do you know how much she smiles whenever youre mentioned or how much she talks about you?She really likes you."She sighed, her tone softening."Im sorry, I just dont want Lauren to get hurt."

I felt really." I shouldve never lied and met Kylie instead, I-"

Lauren POV

"I should of never lied and met Kylie instead." 

I couldnt believe the words I had just heard.


Oooo so Lauren heard! What do you think she'll do next? Will Sam and Lauren stay together? Im super sorry this chapter took soo long, I had writers block, but I promise the next chapter will be up in less than a week, maybe sooner if you guys comment more;)

Thank you soo much for reading, voting, and leaving kind words:)

Love you!


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