I cant believe you

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First of all, a massive thank you to @lawlorff_luv for giving me ideas for this chapter. It obviously helped me write faster! Please go check out her Kian Lawley fanfic, its amazing:)

Lauren POV

Finally it felt like things were going well. I went to sleep that night feeling happy and content.Ashley and I were walking over to Kian's house to help them film a video today.

I jumped onto his doorstep and rang the doorbell. Kian appeared a few moments later and let us in.

"So were doing a music video for 'Kiss You' by One Direction."Kian stated as he lead us into his backyard.

"Aw I love that song!"Ashley exclaimed.

"Me too, but im really bad at acting and making things look believable on camera"He sighed.

"What do you mean by believable on camera?"I asked curiously.

"Oh, well basically for the video Sam and I are going to make it look like were 'kissing' you guys since the song is called Kiss You. But im terrible at making it look real."Kian replied.

"Maybe we can position the camera different way."Ashley said angling the camera."Ok Lauren make it look like you guys are kissing."

"Okay"I laughed. I put my hand on the back of his neck and pulled him closer, he put his arms around my waist in return. I wanted to burst out laughing soo bad!

"Whoa!It actually looks like you guys are kissing."Ashley exclaimed as she replayed the clip.It actually did.


I woke up and got dressed. Kian and I were having Lauren and Ashley help us film a music video. I was running late so I quickly walked over to his house. I never rang the doorbell so I just walked right in. 

Kian had already texted me that the girls were here. I looked around but couldnt find them. I looked out the glass sliding door and stopped dead in my tracks, Lauren had kissed Kian!

I thought I could trust her, but obviously not. And Kian too, he was supposed to be my bestfriend. I didnt think Lauren would stoop this low, cmon she was the one who kissed him!

I felt both angry and hurt. Fine Lauren, if you want to go off kissing other guys go ahead. I guess theres nothing wrong if I do the same thing right? I stormed out of the house, not wanting to face any of them.

Before I knew it, I was in my car driving up to Kylie's house. She greeted me with a huge hug like always and we hung out for a while at her house.

"Truth or dare." I said, knowing that she would choose dare.

"Dare."She answered back.

"I dare you to kiss me, on the lips."I smirked. If Lauren could kiss Kian doesnt that mean I can kiss Kylie?

Kylie smiled and kissed me straight on the lips.

"So this is what you guys do when you hang out."Her older sister Kendall said.

"It was a dare"Kylie protested.

"Its going on instagram."Kendall said tapping away at her phone.

"You took a picture?'I asked. I only kissed Kylie to get back at Lauren, but posting the picture was just mean.I felt a wave of guilt. Maybe there was an explanation for that kiss. 

I need to fix this before things get ugly.....again.However, I was still kinda pissed and hurt over the fact that she would kiss somebody else. I drove back to Kian's and took a deep breath, here it goes.

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