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I woke up early, excited to see Sam and Kian today. I had finally realized that I didnt like them in that way, I saw them in more of a bestfriend way. VERY hot bestfriend.

My hair was wavy, due to me putting it in a braid last night. I was wearing my turquoise with black bottoms bikini with denim shorts and a sheer white tank top over.

“Assshhhllleeey! Are you ready?”I exclaimed. I turned around and saw her smiling back at me.I made a funny face in return and she laughed. Kian sent me a text that they were outside, so we made our way out, ready for a fun day.


“No I want to text her!” I argued.

“Dude, I already have my phone out!”Kian replied. I dont know why we were arguing over the littlest thing: who got to text Lauren that we were outside.

“Fine, but shes still mine” I said. We werent mad each other in a serious way, we both decided its kind of like a friendly competition. Whoever she chooses gets her, and the other has to respect that.

“Still mine…”I heard him whisper. I saw the two girls so I got out of the car to open the door for them.

“Hay!”Lauren said giving me a hug.

“Ashwwee!”I exclaimed, giving her a hug, not wanting her to feel left out.She giggled and hugged back.

“I brought some earphones, do you want to listen to some One Direction on the way there?” I asked. I had made up this plan last night. Lauren and I would sit really close next to each other and sing one direction together and then shell fall in love with me and become my girlfriend. Well, I was working on the last parts, but you know what I mean.

“Of course!”She exclaimed, excitement flashing across her face.

“Ashley, Ill swap spots with you so its easier to listen.”I said, trying to hide my smile.

“OK, but Team Bieber all the way!”She cheered.

“NO!” Kian Lauren and I all said at once. I opened the door for both the girls, hah beat that Kian! 

“Hey Kian!” Lauren said happily.

“Hey cutie you and Ashley look pretty today.” Kian said slyly. Damnit Kian! The girls both blushed a bit and thanked him.

“Here Ill move over so its easier to use the earphones.” Lauren said scooting into the seat directly next to mine. I saw Kian look at us through the mirror. Oh my gosh she smells soo good.I handed her an ear bud and put on the one direction song.I chose ‘Back for you’

“This is one of my favorites!”She exclaimed grabbing my phone.What the hell was she doing? My question was soon answered when she clicked on the camera and started taking tons of pictures of us. Why was she so cute? 

Kian and Ashley were laughing up front. I personally thought they would make a good couple but they both saw each other as ‘just friends’. However, I would see Kian glance back at us every few moments. Ha ha haa!You jealous bro?

Sadly, we arrived and had to get out of the car. Lauren and Ashley went ahead to find a spot while Kian and I unloaded the car.

“Nicely played, nicely played”Kian said, referencing to the ‘listening to 1D’ experiment.

“Aye, you know”I joked back.

“Youre driving next time bro” Kian chuckled. We both set off onto the warm sand. And there was a perfect  looking like an angel goddess in her little bikini. 

“Wow” Kian said quietly. Kian and I set our stuff down and decided to sit for a bit. Cmon! The walk was a bit far and that cooler was heavy! I rolled onto my back sighing in exhaustion.

“Kian do you wanna go to the water?”Lauren asked. Uhm hold on, Ill go with you!

“I would be delighted”Kian said smirking at me. She grabbed his hand.

“Lessgo”She said. I watched as they walked the short distance to the water and splashed each other.

“You like her dont you?” Ashley asked. It wouldnt hurt to tell her, right?

“Kinda….yes”I sighed.

“Kian likes her too huh?” She asked, taking a seat next to me.

“Oh yeah’I huffed.

“I saw that coming” She replied.

“Is it really that obvious?” I asked. She simply patted my shoulder and nodded yes.  I saw Lauren running towards me, soaking wet. Oh what a beautiful sight.

“Arent you guys gunna come in?” She asked out of breath, Kian a few paces behind her.I stood up, brushing some sand off.

“Youre soaking wet!” Ashley exclaimed. Suddenly Lauren hugged me tightly. I winked at Kian as he fake glared at me.

“See! Now Sam is too, so you should get in the water so youre not alone”She pouted.

The rest of the day was perfect, we had soo much fun. It was getting really cold, so we decided to head back and have dinner at Ashley's house.

Lauren started shivering, and I noticed she was only wearing shorts and a short tank top, and it was freezing.

"Here" I said handing her my hoodie.She smiled.

"Sam youre going to be cold too!"She said still shivering, Kian looked over at us.

"Thats okay, I like the cold"I replied.

"Thanks"She said putting my hoodie on, man it looked so nice on her. Kian called me over, so I helped him load the car.

Lauren POV 

"Ashley, I have to tell you something" I said as I pulled her off to the side. Kian and Sam were loading the car and doing who knows what.

"And what is it?"She asked curiously.

"I-i think I like............Sam." I whispered. At the beginning, I only saw Sam as a friend, but throughout today he really changed my mind.

"You think or you know?"Ashley said in a funny accent.

"I cant decide." I pouted.

"Dont worry, just give it some time, and let me know as soon as you make your decision."She joked nudging me. She ran off to the car and I followed behind. And during those short moments, I made up my mind.

I pulled out my phone and texted Ashley

I like him.


Ok so heres a short little update for you guys. Thank you soo much for the feedback, please leave more.The more feedback, the sooner the chapter will be posted. Dont forget to also put what you didnt like in the chapter so I can improve in my writing. Also, let me know if youre team Sam or team Kian

Love you :)

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