Nice to meet you too, lovely.

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Lauren POV

I walked away with the biggest smile on my face. I easily found Ashley, she was in line at starbucks.

"Boo!"I said grabbing her shoulders. She squealed, causing a few people in line to glance over at us.

"Lauren! You scared me!"She exclaimed.

"I know, but im soo happy! He asked for my number!"I cheered.

"No way! You guys would make a cute couple!" She added.

"Whoa whoa, im not talking couples yet, I just met the guy! And besides, I havent even met his other extremely gorgeous friend yet"I winked.

"Look at you"Ashley teased stepping up to the register.

'Here ill pay, what do you want?" I asked before she had time to argue. She sighed and finally told me. I also ordered for Sam and his friend since their signing was outside and it was around 98 degrees.

"Cmon lets go see them again!"Ashley exclaimed grabbing my arm. We didnt want to draw attention, so we got in line with all the fans. The wait wasnt too long,since there were different lines for the other celebrities that were here. Within a few minutes we reached the front of the line. Sam was looking down.

"Hi beautiful" His friend said to me. Wow that is one nice face! 

"Hi handsome"I said instantly smiling back. Sam's head shot up as soon as he heard me talking.

"Hey you came!" Sam exclaimed.

"I brought you guys starbucks!" I said handing them their frapps.

"Thank you so much. Im Kian by the way." Kian said.

"Nice to meet you, im Lauren, and this is my cousin Ashley." I said gesturing over to Ashley, she shyly waved back.

"Do you guys wanna come hang out behind the table?" Sam asked. We both nodded and joined them.

We had small conversations throughout the afternoon, the boys still had to give their fans their full attention.

"We should all hang out again" Kian said getting up and stretching. 

"Definitely. Im staying at Ashley's up in San Clemente."I said poking him in his side. He laughed and flinched.

"Oh Kian and I actually live up there."Sam said.

"Cool! We can hangout more often."Ashley announced. "Are you guys free tomorrow?"They both nodded yes.


"We should go to the beach." I said. Getting to see Lauren in a bikini?I think yes.

"Sounds like fun." Ashley replied.

"Yeah im down for the beach."Kian said.

"Okay, do you guys wanna meet there around 12?" Lauren asked scanning everybodys faces for answers.

"I can have my mom drop us off" Ashley said.

"Thats okay, you probably dont live to far from us. Sam and I can pick you up." Kian offered.

"Are you sure?" She said. We both nodded.

"Thanks, well we have to go, my mom's coming soon."Ashley said awkwardly.

"It was really nice meeting you guys."Lauren said giving me a hug, wrapping her small arms around me, it felt soo....right. I hugged back just as tight as we spun around around while we were still hugging.

"Youre a good hugger"She said as I let go. I gave Ashley a brief hug as I watched her hug Kian. He picked her up AND spun her around. Kian, always having to out do me!

All I know is, tomorrow shell be mine.

Kian POV

I want to make her mine. Theres something about her, I cant even explain it. I knew, the second I saw her, that she would be perfect, and I was never proved wrong. 

"So what do you think of Ashley?"Sam asked as soon as we got into the car.

"Shes nice, but I kinda like Lauren." I replie putting my seatbelt on.

"Wait, Lauren?"Sam asked turning to face me.

"Yeah.why?"I asked.

"I kind of like her too"He answered.

"Oh"Was all I said. 

"SHES MINE!"Sam said, making a one direction reference. I started cracking up.

"Dude, I dont want us to get into an argument over a girl"I said,

"Youre right, should we just like, see who she choses, like play it cool and let her decide?"He said.

"Probably."I said."Oh,and, shes mine!"I exclaimed.


I decided to post this early since its pretty much a filler chapter.Sorry its soo boring, but I promise the next one will be 19139854768 times better. Thank you for reading and leaving feedback, it means a lot! Make sure to leave your opinions down below and comment ideas for what you would like to happen 

Love you :)

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