Removing her hand, Kitkat's grey eyes gleaming, she winked at me and jerked her head at something  behind me.

"There it is."

I glanced in the direction she pointed, wondering if it was just a mean joke she was playing on me but turned out she was serious.

A blue gift-wrapped box with a black slip on it sat atop the central kitchen island.

I never imagined I'd be disappointed that Kitkat bought me a gift but considering that I almost had a kiss from her, I think I really did hate it.

Did she suddenly start to care about me? Because to be honest, I was sure she was done with the formalities and that there wasn't anymore gift-giving left on her part.

I was wrong, apparently.

"You actually bought me a gift." The bafflement and surprise in my tone couldn't be hidden as I turned back to look at Kitkat.

She rolled her eyes, pushing at my chest and I gave way, letting her walk to the gift as I simply stared, still a little in shock. I don't know how she recovered so fast but for me those ten seconds of having her almost in my grasp were the most tense of my life. 

I felt like I was about to have a heart failure, goddamnit.

Kitkat grabbed the gift box which was the size of a book. The big Math kind.

You know? The one people in general can use as good weapons?

I'm sorry for making such a bad comparison but you gotta give me some leeway.

"Here." Lila licked her lips, a tad bit nervously and then locked her eyes with mine, staring from under her long black lashes. Her open hair framed her features beautifully and her gestures almost made her seem shy. "I didn't bring something special but yeah."

She swallowed thickly and averted her eyes as she held out the gift for me to take.

I think my eyebrows reached my hairline because I think my Kitkat was blushing.

I lowered my head to get a better look at her and...yeah. Her cheeks were light red and as she caught me staring, she cleared her throat, pushing the gift into my chest. "Take it, will you."

A surprised laugh burst out of me as I grabbed the gift that was digging into my six-pack.

I'd wanted to make her blush for so long, tried so many ways and yet the thing that made me see that pretty red on her pretty features was giving me a gift she probably handpicked herself?

"You look adorable."

The words came out unfiltered and my grin wouldn't go away as I saw more color rush up her neck and heat her cheeks.

Lila's eyes collided with mine and they were....wide, surprised and something I couldn't pinpoint. A storm brewed in them, the metallic grey melting as if a fire of furnace-level intensity had resided there somewhere.

She parted her lips and then closed them multiple times, as if she couldn't find a fitting response.

I've never felt giddy in my life. Happy, excited, joyous, ecstatic. Never giddy.

But I think what I felt in that moment was what people described that feeling as.

Giddy at the fact that I'd managed to leave her speechless and blushing and she wasn't throwing rocks and insults my way. Sure, having me in her personal space and almost being kissed might not have been effective in eliciting a worthy response out of the mysterious mahogany haired girl–although it was a foolproof plan in my opinion–something as simple as a gift had achieved that for me.

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