Chapter XL

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Sore. Everything was hellishly sore.

Izuku had heard the horror stories from Todoroki, Denki, and Aizawa. But for the love of the gods themselves. Izuku never expected his heat to be that outlandishly terrible.

True, he knew that running into Kirishima and Bakugou probably helped little to none, especially being knocked out only to learn that it was his parents that had found them.

Though Izuku nearly started crying when Hitoshi told him that it was Hizashi who was primarily the angriest. The man was hardly ever angry, and seeing him angry, or even knowing that he was angry, but silently. Was horrifying for the Omega. Thankfully Aizawa was only shocked, but not exactly angry.

Thankfully, once Izuku was returned home and put in his own room, he didn't lose all conscious thought as he had always feared he would. He just felt incredibly sickly and shitty. Though that sickly feeling was always helped when Eri, Hitoshi, Aizawa, or Hizashi would come and cuddle him. Distracting him with either a movie or a book. Though when asked, Hitoshi would retell what he had been told about the 'incident'.

But Izuku didn't dare question his father about his anger, deciding that just cuddling with the man who displayed nothing but contentment, despite Izuku knowing of the underlying anger. Seemed like a much smarter, and safer idea.

Not surprisingly, Hizashi had been the one to take the week off of work to stay at home with Izuku. And while neither Hitoshi nor Izuku had known this. Hizashi was incredibly paranoid to leave the greenette at home without him present. Even if Aizawa would have been with Izuku just as he was with Hitoshi during his first rut. And despite Aizawa's scoldings of Hizashi's overprotectiveness. The Alpha took the scoldings with a tub of salt and stayed home with his son.

And Izuku was happy to spend the week with his father catching up on all of the shows that they had been neglecting in their 'Movies To Watch.' List. Honestly, the man almost forgot the underlying anger his father had until Eri had questioned Hitoshi where Denki and Sero were while the siblings were cuddling in the living room while Hizashi made dinner and Aizawa finished grading papers.

Though when Hitoshi admitted that the two were hanging out with Mina, Bakugou, and Kirishima. The sound of glass shattering made everyone jump and the sight of glass shards at Hizashi's feet where he had squeezed his cup too tightly made everyone recoil at the murderous glint in the Alpha's eyes.

Though Hizashi only laughed and apologized for startling them and suggested the siblings put on a movie while he finished up dinner while Aizawa stood quickly and joined his husband in the kitchen, no doubt to scold the blonde again while Hitoshi quickly turned on the first movie they saw.

Which ironically was a Rom-Com.

But now that Izuku's heat had ended (finally.)

The man knew that he would be in for a whirlwind of questions. Once again learning this from Hitoshi's blessed eavesdropping skills.

It was thankfully a Saturday. This meant that Izuku's heat lasted only for about six days, much longer than an average first heat. Nonetheless, it was over. And Izuku was happily airing out his room as he did his laundry, happy to get his new scent out of everything he could, for the time being, Aizawa thankfully helped him as he showed the younger Omega which detergent to use so it would cut out the smell.

"Jeez problem child. You'll scrub the paint off if you keep scrubbing that hard." Aizawa laughed as he grabbed Izuku's hand and stopped the greenette's harsh scrubbing on his desk.

"I don't want it gross in here!" Izuku whined while Aizawa laughed once more, knowing that nesting would be a big thing for Izuku from now on, especially after his heats.

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