Chapter XXVIII

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"Doctor!!" Shigaraki roared as he charged into the abandoned hospital that Doctor Kyudai Garaki and All for One established as the doctor's workplace for creating the Nomus.

"Ah! Tomura! To what do I owe the pleasure to see you?" The Beta doctor purred as he strode forward past the many large containers that held many different kinds of Nomus, meeting Shigaraki in the middle where multiple doors were scattered behind them.

"You will answer a question of mine. Immediately." Shigaraki growled as he glared down at the doctor with a murderous gaze.

"And what question might that be, Tomura Shigaraki?" The doctor lulled while Shigaraki growled warningly.

"I give you one chance, and one chance only..." Shigaraki growled as he grabbed the doctor by the collar of his shirt, pulling the man off his feet to where their faces were mere centimeters apart.

"What did you do to Izuku?" Shigaraki growled lowly while the doctor merely began to laugh quietly. Shigaraki growled once more as he threw the doctor onto the ground.

"Don't fear Tomura! I will show you how to use your weapon! I'm guessing he had an 'incident' where you couldn't control him? Not to fear, it's quite simple for you to control him, you just need to know the right commands!" The doctor laughed as he brushed himself off and motioned for Shigaraki to follow him as he walked to one of the doors and unlocked it.

"Control him?" Shigaraki breathed unable to comprehend what the doctor was saying fully.

"Of course! You didn't believe that your father would give you a weapon without any means to control it, did you? Tomura, I thought you had more faith in your sire!" The doctor laughed as he opened a drawer and began to dig through it. While Shigaraki stood in the doorway of the room with eyes blown wide.

"Ah-ha! Here it is!" The doctor cheered as he pulled out a controller of sorts and held it up for Shigaraki to see.

"Now, all you must do if he loses control again is just press down on this button here, and that chip will knock him out for a while and give you time to reassess any damage he might cause." The doctor explained as he gently teased the button on the controller, nearly pushing it down, only for Shigaraki to roar as he grabbed the doctor by his shirt collar again, slamming him into the glass screen that separated the office of sorts from the experimentation room on the other side.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM?!?" Shigaraki roared, his Alphan voice lacing his very words while the doctor's goggles flew off of his face, allowing Shigaraki to stare into the man's eyes with a raging fury.

"We made a weapon, one that will aid you, Tomura. He will follow your every command. Or have you not noticed? Have you not been using him to his purpose?" The doctor questioned while Shigaraki went wide-eyed once more.

Though the man couldn't help how his gaze lingered on the bandages that covered Izuku's face and how, surely, if Izuku were to wear just a regular T-shirt, it would reveal the bandages that lay beneath his clothes. But what truly kept Shigaraki's gaze captive, was the lifeless gleam in Izuku's eyes.

The Alpha had seen dead people before. He's killed, people. He's watched the life leave their eyes. And the lifeless gleam that stayed in Izuku's eyes could only remind him of a corpse, though this corpse had a pulse, had a voice, had a smile, and this corpse was someone Shigaraki couldn't bear to see hurt.

And yet he couldn't help the feeling that he was staring into the eyes of someone he killed.

"Promise me you will be careful baby brother. Promise me that if something is to happen and you even have a shred of doubt. You will come home. No matter what consequences may come of it." Shigaraki commanded as he grabbed Izuku's shoulders and squeezed gently, the man's gaze turning hard and serious.

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