Chapter XXX

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"So, they're attacking Tartarus? They most likely want to get some of their colleagues out." Endeavor stated as he, Hawks, Aizawa, Hizashi, Kamui Woods, Mirko, Sir Nighteye, Fatgum, and Edgeshot all sat in the large conference room. While Hawks groaned loudly at Endeavor's blatant misdirection of his statement.

"No. Now for the last time, they are attacking Tartarus to kill All for One." Hawks groaned while Endeavor rolled his eyes.

"Are you sure that's the truth? You know, just because you're their soulmate, doesn't mean they would tell you the truth." Endeavor growled while Hawks rolled his eyes once more.

"I do know that it's the truth because it's what the recording picked up from the bugs I hid in their facility." Hawks stated smugly as he waved the small recording device in his hand.

"Well, either way, we'll kick those villains' asses and put them in Tartarus right next to All for One!" Mirko cheered while Hawks grumbled quietly at the declaration. Not too keen on the idea of someone attacking his soulmates. Despite them being villains.

"I'll help you capture them, but I will not lay a hand on either of my soulmates." Hawks declared while Endeavor growled.

"They are villains!! It is your duty Hawks!!" Endeavor shouted while Hawks growled back.

"Endeavor, shut up. If he doesn't want to harm his soulmates, that's his choice, you have no say in the matter." Aizawa interjected while Endeavor growled and rolled his eyes. Though Hawks nodded appreciatively to the man.

"Yeah, man! It's understandable why he wouldn't want to attack his soulmates! We're all humans here, have a heart." Fatgum shouted as he eyed Endeavor.

"Also have you forgotten that my son could be related to this attack as well? At the moment he is labeled as a hostage, we need to handle this with extreme care." Aizawa stated while Endeavor grumbled as he sat back in his seat.

"He's right, we need to make sure we handle this correctly. Izuku is a good kid and I know damn good and well that he isn't a villain in this. So, we have to make sure we can get him out this time." Mirko chimed in as she sent a dirty look at Endeavor before focusing on Aizawa.

"Indeed, the boy at the moment has done nothing truly villainous to label him as a part of the League, and with what Hawks has informed of us, the boy hasn't even been present in the past two months to even be correlated with anything happening recently." Sir Nighteye agreed.

"We know their plan, we know at least to some extent what they are after, we just need to surround them and make sure they can't get any calvary to aid them." Edgeshot chimed.

"We should focus primarily on trying to catch Tomura Shigaraki, Himiko Toga, Kenji Hiikishi, Atsuhiro Sako, Iguchi Shuichi, and Jin Bubaigawara. At the moment they are the primary leaders of their whole army, so if we eliminate them, it will make taking down their entire organization much easier." Kamui Woods stated.

"Exactly! So, let's make sure we stick to our plan and cut them off. We have to end this now." Hizashi declared while everyone nodded in agreement.


Nothing was going right.

The heroes were at the prison, no one else from the organization had made it inside yet, they had no clue where Mr. Compress was, or if he had been caught, and the blaring alarm was starting to make Izuku's ears ring painfully.

"We need to go now!!" Izuku ordered as he used his shadows to grab Toga and Twice as he kicked in one of the doors to the security room as he sprinted down the hall, the two Alpha's flying behind him due to his speed.

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