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Start from the beginning

"That's true, I heard you had some pretty good guitar skills." He laughed before nodding, sharing a sly look with the smaller boy beside him.

"Yeah, you could say that," he agreed with a proud smile.

"You're cool, okay. Remember I said that," she told him before turning back to Dustin, "and I guess you're pretty cool too." With a wink and a smirk, she ran off - leaving the two boys to share a confused yet grateful look. She'd turned back to say her condolences just in case, and lucky she did.

The quartet of weapon-clad friends quickly made their way into the house, jumping over snaking vines that awaited their missteps as they journey through the front entry and up the first few steps. When they reached the first landing - the small space between the staircases - the house shook. The four friends grabbed onto one another in hopes of holding their balances, which, by the end, seemed to have worked. That was until a single vine wrapped itself around Robin's ankle.

In a matter of seconds, the girl was pulled into the wall and held captive by the hundreds of tormenting tentacles the house adorned. The group tried to rip it off, using their hands and knives and axes, but they got caught too.

Aven was held against the wall beside Steve, Nancy and Robin stuck across from them. Their hands were inches apart, only just too far for them to reach but enough for them to feel. They could feel each other's presence, their fingers were practically licking one another's skin, but they were too far apart.

It was painful, only painful, until vines wrapped around their necks and cut off their circulation. However, Aven didn't feel it. She wasn't even mentally there.

In her head, because of a certain monster upstairs, she was in the attic of the Creel house, but not in the Upside Down. Up on the true surface, where Lucas, Max, and surprisingly the same guy that pushed her against the wall in The War Zone. She was standing in the middle of the room, body facing her sister, as the two boys fought in the area behind her. Of course she cared that Lucas was getting smashed in the face, but in that moment, she couldn't care about anything other than the person rising into the air before her.

"Max! Max, please!" Aven shouted as she ran towards the girl, standing beneath her with her hands together as her sister flew further and further into the air. She tried to yell out to Lucas, but he couldn't hear her. Nobody could hear her, because she wasn't really there.

"No, no! No, she's going to be fine. She's gonna be okay," Aven muttered to herself as she ducked her head to stare at the floor, squeezing her eyes shut to push away her doubts. She was slowly calming down, her breathing returning to its normal state.

And then she heard the first snap.

She glanced up to see her sister's arm twisted backwards, blood pouring from her blanked out irises. It wasn't long before her legs and other arm broke in the same way, falling limp in the attic air as she dangled from above.

"No!" Aven screamed, falling to her knees beneath the girl as her sadness poured from her eyes. The redhead above her was flying, limbs broken beyond repair, until she dropped. That was the last thing she saw before she woke back up from her trance.

The vine around her neck recoiled as she let out a deafening scream, buckling to her knees as she harshly pushed her head against the wooden floorboards. She refused - with the life of her - to believe what she'd just seen.

"Aven! Aven, what's wrong?" Steve was instantly hovering over her, Robin on her other side as Nancy stood in front of her with concern. She didn't answer for a while, just sobbing into the flooring as she tried to push the vision away, but it constantly replayed over and over again within her traumatised mind.

"Max! It's Max!" She cried, pulling at her hair in an attempt to block out the sight. Robin let out a hitched breath, Nancy's eyes widening with worry as Steve slid his fingers between her forehead and the vine-covered floor. He leant down, knees hitting the cold wood, as he sadly pressed his head against the girl's shaking back.

"What did you see, Aven?" Nancy asked as she knelt down on one knee.

"Her arms and legs, they- they- they snapped." The girl pushed herself up to face the group, her cheeks fiery with tears and her eyes wild with human frailty. They only saw the edges of the shattered girl, not being able to venture inside to find the deepness of her tragic emotions and the single scene that was played on repeat within her brain.

"But what about her eyes?" Nancy questioned as she leant forward, peering into Aven's glistening irises.

"They were clear, so clear. It was just white-"

"But they were still there?" Nancy asked, Aven nodding whilst she choked on a sob. Steve immediately pulled the saddened girl towards him, wrapping his arms around her as she had done to him so many times before. "Then she's alive. If she dropped before her eyes went . . . then Vecna didn't finish. She still has a chance," Nancy told her softly before picking herself up.

"It'll be okay," Robin muttered as she gently rubbed the crying girl's shoulder before standing up. Nancy swapped her gun for Steve's axe before walking up the stairs, Robin hot on her trail. They listened, Aven's rocketing sobs slowly dying down, as bottles smashed upstairs and fires ignited above them. It was when they heard Robin shout I'm out to the other girl in the attic, Aven stood up.

"Give me that," she mumbled as she snatched the gun out of a confused Steve's grasp before running up the stairs, ignoring his shouts as she stormed up the deteriorating steps. She pushed in front of the two girls - who stared at her in amazement - with the gun held high, eyeing the fiery beast that had broke her sister in front of her.

"Show me what you've got, Henry," she whispered beneath her breath as Steve ran up the steps behind her, stopping in his spot as he caught sight of the girl standing up to the disgusting monster. She pumped the shotgun before he let out a roar, but she shot him.

She shot him once. And twice. Three times, four times. Until she shot him for a fifth time, and he flew out the back window.

 Until she shot him for a fifth time, and he flew out the back window

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1658 words

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍; steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now