Unexpected running into

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****Sonny's POV****

2 months later
Tuesday July 18th

It's been 3 months since Mia tried to kill herself, since we seen and heard from Isabel, and today we are here getting her hopefully last evaluation with April.
Art with Timothy is going great and she just continues to excel.
Judge Ringer wanted Mia to be completely released before we did her adoption, why I don't know but it is what it is. Wanted to make sure we took care of one thing before moving on to the next. We are all anxious and ready. I don't know who's more excited Mia or Amanda and I.
It'll be ok and workout though, she's been worth the wait.

Amanda and I threw her the biggest sweet 13 surprise party and she had a blast. She never has had a birthday party so it was special to be apart of her first birthday party.

"Mom and dad thank you so much."
Mia hugged us tight

"I love birthdays now."
Mia laughed and ran off with Victoria through the sprinklers we had going in the yard, it was a hot day but so fun

"Do you think we'll throw her a quinceañera when she turns 15 since she has Hispanic in her?"
Amanda asked

"A 15 year old daughter, I've already got chest pains."
I laughed

"Oh Dominick."
Amanda laughed

I was brought back to the present 

"Alright Mia, can you skip for me?"
April asked

Mia smiled

Mia skipped

"How about jump?"
April asked

Mia jumped

April smiled

April assessed Mia and went through everything.

"Mia I think I can officially clear you today."
April smiled

Mia put her hands to her face
"I can finally get adopted."
Mia smiled

"I'm so excited for you, I'll forward everything to judge Ringer."
April smiled

"Thank you so much".
I smiled

"You all take care and be well."
April smiled and walked out the door

Mia jumped off the exam counter and hugged Amanda and I.

"I'm going to be a Carisi."
Mia cried

"We are so excited."
Amanda said.

Mia pulled away from Amanda and I
Mia smiled

"How about we celebrate with some ice-cream?"
Amanda asked

"You don't have to tell me twice"
Mia smiled

"So how about we go to That cute little ice cream place that just opened up? I heard they have Great ice creams, shakes, you name it."
I said

Mia said

****Mia's POV****

We was sitting outside the weather was nice and perfect eating our ice-cream

"So how long do you think until we can get in for a hearing?"
I asked

"The plan is before school starts unless anything changes before then, hopefully the courts won't be backed up."
Sonny said

"Well school starts Monday August 7th, so we gotta get a move on."
I smiled

Amanda and Sonny laughed

"Mommy, mommy can I get a chocolate ice-cream cone?"
I heard a little boy say

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