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****Mia's POV****

2nd week of September 
I've been here 4 weeks today

We had just ate dinner and I was so excited Sonny and Amanda would be here anytime now

I was at the fence in the yard watching anxiously waiting

I felt a hand on my back and jumped

"It's ok it's just me."
Michelle said with a smile

Michelle didn't look happy at all but concerned even though she was sorta smiling

"Something's wrong."
I said

"Unfortunately there is. We need to go talk in my office."
Michelle said

Michelle and I went into her office and we Sat down

"Mia I don't know how to tell you this, other then just saying it. Sonny and Amanda won't be coming here to visit today, or tomorrow."
Michelle frowned

"Did I do something wrong?!"
I said panicked

"No. You did nothing wrong."
Michelle said

"What why can't they come?!"
I asked

"Mia (Michelle took a deep breath)
Your dad has unfortunately hired a lawyer and has summoned for a court hearing on Wednesday. He's putting in to know where you have been, and for visitations. Olivia will be coming to pick us up Wednesday, I have to take you to the court house. They are working on where you can hopefully talk To the judge privately."
Michelle said

My world froze
I froze
I was scared
No...this can't be happening
No, no, and no.

"I don't to see him, I don't want to go back. Please please don't make me."
I begged

"We are doing everything we can."
Michelle said

"Please I don't want to go or see Travis. I want to see Sonny and Amanda. Please don't let him hurt me."
I said

I began to cry

Michelle pulled me into her arms and hugged me tight

"It's going to be ok, it's going to be ok."
Michelle kept repeating

**((Two days later)**

Michelle had helped me get ready to look nice for the judge and court
Olivia was driving us to the courthouse and I was shaking in my skin

Olivia pulled into the parking lot and parked
Olivia turned around and looked at me

"Mia it's going to be ok, we got it approved for you to talk to the judge privately Michelle will be with you and I will be with you. Hopefully you don't have to talk to anyone else, but if you see Travis you don't have to say anything."
Olivia said

I said

Michelle held my hand and we walked with Olivia into the court house

Sonny, Amanda, Nick, and a few other detectives I didn't know stood there

"Sonny and Amanda!"
I smiled big forgetting all my troubles

Both smiled back

"Can I please give them a hug?"
I asked Michelle and Olivia

"It wouldn't hurt."
Olivia smiled

I ran over to them as fast as I could and Sonny smiled big picking me up and hugged me tight as I did in return

I pulled away from Sonny

"I have missed you both so much."
I said

Amanda came up behind us and she patted my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around her neck while Sonny held onto me

"We have missed you too."
Amanda said running her hand through my hair

"Does anyone know who the judge is going to be on this part?"
Michelle asked

"Judge Elana Barth, she's new but fair and all of us here we are hopeful she'll be on our side. She doesn't deal well with child abusers, convicted or not."
Olivia said

My heart began to race at the sight coming  towards us, it was Travis and some other guy

"Sonny I'm afraid."
I said wrapping my arms tight around Sonny's neck and digging my face into his shoulders

"It's ok, it's ok."
He rubbed my back

"So what do we got going on here?!"
I heard Travis bark

My whole body began to shake
Sonny kept rubbing my back

"I don't know who you think you are carrying my daughter-"
Travis began to say

"Sonny, Amanda, Elliot and Mike go with Michelle and take Mia out of here."
Olivia said

We began to walk away and Sonny's shirt was soaked in my tears

We went off into a private room

"Hey it's ok, it's ok."
Sonny put me down and knelt down to my level wiping my tears

"Please don't make me go back to him."
I began to cry

"It's going to be ok, I promise."

****Sonny's POV****

I sat with Amanda, Mike, Elliot, Fin, and Nick.
Mia just went back with Olivia and Michelle to talk to the judge.

"You did great Sonny."
Amanda whispered

"I hope so, I didn't know what to do in the moment just responded."
I said

"You did what a good dad would do."
Amanda said

About a half hour went by
Out come Olivia

I couldn't quite tell what the verdict was with her facial expression

"Sonny, Amanda, Nick."
Olivia motioned for us

Amanda,Nick, and I looked at each other
We followed Olivia back to the chambers

Judge Elana sat at her desk and Mia was sitting in a chair next to Michelle .

"Good morning detectives, I know this wasn't planned or apart of how this would go. But I can say this is not a case that's seen and dealt with everyday."
Judge Elana said

"I heard Mia's story from her point of view and her testimony of the progress she's made while being at child help, and with Michelle's testimony of her progress without her biological dad Travis Martinez being in the picture. I would like to talk to Sonny, Amanda, Michelle, and captain Benson alone. I called Nick back here to see if he could Step out with Mia to make sure she feels safe while we talk about something's."
Judge Elana said

"Of course your honor."
Nick said

"Mia could you please go with detective Amaro?"
Judge Elana said

"Yes your honor."
Mia smiled and smiled at us

Mia took Nick's hand and they walked out the door.

"I read the reports of the way you found Mia the day she was rescued and my heart hurts and I'm doing my best to not let my emotions get in the way and follow the law."
Judge Elana said

I think I quit breathing just anxious what she may say

"Your honor she's afraid of Travis and the confrontation in the hallway certainly didn't help, she Grabbed ahold of Sonny with everything she had begging not to go back to Travis."
Olivia said

"Yes and I'm sorry that happened like that."
Judge Elana said taking a deep breath

"Your honor Amanda and I are interested in taking Mia into our home and to foster her, Amanda and I long term would like to adopt her. I know there maybe a lot to go through, but the short time I've known her-we've known her. She's changed our lives."
I said

"That's partially why I wanted to talk with you all here today."
Judge Elana said

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