Ended unexpectedly

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****Sonny's POV****
Tuesday morning
January 17th

I woke up and headed to Mia's room to get her up and have the much needed conversation Amanda and I had put together all night, and we wrote a note for her explaining why we want her and why and how she's our daughter.

"Hey Mia".
I knocked on her door


I said again


"Ok Mia I hope you're decent I'm coming in."
I said

I opened the door and Mia was gone
I was trying not to panic but instantly began to panic

I seen a note on her bed
I picked it up

Sonny and Amanda,
I'm sorry I put you through so much hell and so much shit. It's time for me to be on my own, and I'm sorry for leaving without saying goodbye. Thank you forever for everything.
Love Mia

"Damn it."
I said

I ran to Amanda

"Dominick what's wrong?!"
Amanda said

"Mia has ran off."
I gave her the note

"Oh God".
Amanda put her hand through her hair

I felt my cell phone ring
It was Olivia

"Hey Liv I was about to call you-"
I was cut off

"Carisi, I'm on my way with Mike we have a problem."
Olivia said

"Mia ran off last night-"
I blurted out

"I'm pulling up now, we have a bigger issue."
Olivia said

We hung up and Olivia came in with Mike followed behind Erin

"What do we do?!"
Amanda said panicked

"Listen we got a ransom threat this morning."
Mike said

"A ransom for what?!"
I said panicked

Olivia pulled her phone and showed us a picture.
Mia has been crying in the picture and a gun was pointing at her head

My whole body froze in fear and panic and instantly was shaking

"We think it could be Travis and the judge."
Olivia said

"What does or do they want?!"
I asked

"We are still waiting."
Mike said

Amanda began to cry

"Can you tell us anything that happened last night."
Olivia said

Amanda and I began to explain everything

****Mia's POV****
Tuesday afternoon
January 17th

If I could go back and change leaving the shelter last night I would do it in a heartbeat.
I am in the definition of deep shit

My hands had been tied tight behind my back I was sitting in a wood chair looking around this room that looked like a basement. it was cold, smelled, and I was afraid

I was too scared to scream, to scared to do anything. All I know was too guys had taken me and every-time they are with me they have ski masks on. They took my picture while I was crying earlier with a gun to my head.

I heard the door open and I looked over these two guys coming in With their ski masks on.

"She sure is cute, I thought it the first time I seen her but I had to be professional."
One guy said

The Girl with a secret Life (A Sonny Carisi Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें