Coming up with a plan

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****Sonny's POV****
Thursday November 2nd

I woke up to Travis Kicking me all over, I must have fallen asleep at some point. My screams muffled, causing me to feel like I couldn't breathe and suffocating, Trying to slow down on my breathing and screaming so hopefully I didn't die of suffocating.

Travis bent down in-front of my face
"Feels good doesn't it?!"
Travis laughed

Tears continued to fall down my face I could feel blood, and every part of my body was in pain. I closed my eyes not wanting to see him. Thinking and wondering if anyone would ever find me or if I would die here, I was afraid, scared, and humiliated.

"I think it's time we give your captain another phone call."
Travis said

I opened my eyes and seen Travis pull out my cell phone and turn it on

He put the phone on speaker

I could hear Olivia say

"Olivia nice to talk you again, I don't have long but we are day 2 into this and I don't know how  much longer your detective is going to hold up.
Here's the deal, we will do an exchange. You give me my daughter and I'll give you your detective. I'll call back at 6 tonight, and if you don't have an answer. (Travis Evil grinned) Sonny dies".
Travis said

Olivia began to say

Travis hung-up the phone
My heart began to race
I was freezing in this place wishing Travis would give me my clothes back, but unfortunately I was certain I would die
It wouldn't matter.
I won't allow and couldn't allow Mia to come back here even if it meant I died

****Mia's POV****

Amanda decided to keep me out of school today and tomorrow due to this ongoing issue and safety issue incase Travis would try To show up and take me from school.

"He's not staying on the phone long enough for us to get a accurate trace."
Mike said

"You guys have to listen to him, he will kill Sonny!"
I panicked and I began to cry

Amanda pulled me into her chest, sniffling. I know she's stressed out too.

Nick came to the door

Olivia said

"Elliot got a hit on the phone call, he did some digging. It's pinging from Travis' home."
Nick said

"What are we waiting for?!"
I pulled away from Amanda

Amanda said

"Mia Hunny it's not that simple. I'm sorry, we have to go through protocol and safety."
Olivia said

I took a deep breath

"I'll go back to him. Travis. I'll go back...I'll go back so Sonny can live. You don't get it, Travis will kill him, if he already hasn't. Travis means every word. I'll go back, I have had peace for the first time since I was 8 and I'll hold onto that. I have 6 years until I can leave there, I can make it."
I began to cry harder

"Mia, I need you to look at me."
Amanda said

I looked at Amanda and she even began to cry

"You're not disposable, you are a young girl, and We-I we all want you. You are not going back to that house. You are our daughter, and we will get Sonny back."
Amanda said

"Mia trust me he won't get away with this."
Nick said

"So what do we do?"
I asked

Olivia took a deep breath

The Girl with a secret Life (A Sonny Carisi Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें