The trial Results

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****Mia's POV****
Friday January 13th
Today we head back from the jury and the judge regarding the case against me and Sonny

I am nervous, I was in the bathroom getting ready and put on a nice outfit, I didn't have to dress too nice  today but wanted to be comfortable.
My heart Pounded in my chest, and I put my hands on the sink top looking in the mirror

"Mia there's nothing that we can't handle."
Sonny had told me last night when he was putting my to bed

I was stressed at the fact that maybe today wouldn't go well, and if it didn't. I had many things to be thankful for and my time here with Sonny and Amanda, to child help has been helpful. When I turn 18 People won't be making decisions about where I go and don't go. I just hoped to make it to that point.

I heard knocks at the door

I said

"Hey hunny it's me can I come in?"
Amanda said

I wiped my eyes

Amanda come in and smiled at me

"I want you to know how proud I am of you, for making it this far and being so brave and so strong."
Amanda put her hands on my shoulders

I smiled

"Even if you ever feel like you haven't made progress, when we first met you I wouldn't have been able to do that without you flinching."
Amanda smiled

"I am so thankful for you."
I said

"I am so thankful for you."
Amanda pulled me in for a hug

Amanda and I hugged for a minute
We pulled away from one another

Sonny came to the doorway

"Are you both ready?"
Sonny looked nervous

I shook my head

We drove to the courthouse and I was nervous, scared, wanted to throw up, everything.

We all walked in together Was greeted by Barba and Olivia

Sonny looked at me and kneeled down In front of me

"I love you Mia and no matter what is said or happens today, you will always be my daughter."
Sonny teary eyed said

I began to cry

Sonny and I hugged And pulled away from one another

"You and mom have given me the best time of my life."
I said

Sonny wiped my tears and stood up and took my hand and I took Amanda's hand

We followed Olivia and Barba into the court room and Barba went to his stand I sat with Olivia, Sonny, And Amanda.

The judge came in
Travis came in with his lawyer
The jury was set

The judge began to speak
"You know we have some unusual circumstance here. We have a big shot attorney who has no criminal record, to not even a parking ticket. But here we are with two major cases."

My heart was racing
I grabbed Sonny's and Amanda's hands

"Your honor my client would like to read something he wrote before we continue."
Travis' lawyer said

The judge put his hands together

Travis stood up and got a piece of paper out
He began to put on this show of crying
I knew instantly it was fake

"Your honor I'm here today facing serious charges and I'm sorry that I have brought everyone here. I'm sorry that I didn't handle fatherhood the right way, considering my daughter Mia is the only child I had and maybe things got to out of hand and I'm sorry I didn't make better choices to care for her. If given a second chance I would like another opportunity to be a better dad to her and make things right."
Travis looked at me

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