Presentation Day

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****Mia's POV****

It's Thursday
The 4th day of school
Victoria is great
So far I really like it here

"So Class before we leave for the day, tomorrow the 7th graders we will be in the auditorium for a presentation with the Detectives from special victims unit, it's partially to do with Career day but we also want to bring awareness to campus that if you're ever in need of help, that it's out there."
Timothy smiled

I got real nervous and squeamish when he said that, I didn't want anyone to know what I was dealing with.

The bell rang

"Hey everyone have a good afternoon see you tomorrow."
Timothy smiled

I got my stuff and tried to make my way towards the door.

"Hey Mia, you got like a minute?"
Timothy asked

I jumped

"Yeah, uh sure."
I said shaking

"Hey You ok? You're not in trouble...You seem like you have something on your mind."
Timothy said

My mind:yes my dad is an alcoholic big shot attorney who beats me everyday and it just gets worse. I can't even wear short sleeves because I can't hide all the bruises.

"No, just you know (I began to stutter) I..just getting adjusted."
I said

"Mia are you sure?"
Timothy asked

"Anything you say to me won't go anywhere else."
Timothy added

I stood there and looked at him
I debated it
Here's my chance

"Yeah, everything is fine."
I smiled

"Ok, well Mia please come talk anytime you need something."
Timothy said

I smiled

I hurried out the door and made my way home
Another close call
I almost told it but didn't
I just have to get to 18
I told myself

I got home and seen Travis' nice black car sat in the driveway, I was so hoping for an hour and a half of peace but not today.

I got in the door and was going to hurry off to my room

Travis yelled

"Yes sir.."
I ran into
The living room

Travis stood up from the couch and put us beer bottle on the coffee table

"Have you been talking to anyone about us?"
Travis came towards me

"No...not at all...."
I stuttered out

"You better not be lying because if you are, you need to pay for your actions."
Travis said

"I promise, I haven't."
I said scared

Travis grabbed me by my hair and jerked my head hard, thinking for a minute I was going to loose consciousness for a minute.

Travis struck me in the face so hard with a beer bottle it shattering on my face and he let go of my hair, he had hit me so hard it put me to the ground.

"Now go get yourself cleaned up I don't want blood all over my floor."
Travis barked

I got up and I ran into my bathroom
I looked in the mirror
I got cleaned up

I now have a cut going into my lip from my cheek to add to the other one that was about healed, thankfully the eyebrow one was gone.
I had a bruise forming on my cheek

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