Getting discharged

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****Mia's POV****

It's Saturday
It's noon
My nurse Bianca helped me me shower this morning, the pain is better but still hurts.

Bianca was so nice and so sweet, she even braided my hair for me and helped me feel more human. My face hurts I think the worst, the swelling is still pretty bad.

I was watching Disney again and Eating lunch, they took my oxygen off today and so far I'm doing really well without it.
I still haven't spoken a word, I feel too scared to say anything in fear it could get me in trouble or cause more trouble.

Dr.Avery knocked at the door

"Hey Mia, your hair looks nice."
She smiled coming in

I nodded my head and smiled

"So everything is going well so far with your recovery and you'll be discharged from here Monday, Olivia is actually in the hallway wondering if she could speak to you. I'll stay in the room if you would like."
Dr Avery smiled

I smiled and took my left hand out and she took my hand and nodded my head yes

"Perfect, I'll go grab her."
Dr Avery said

Dr.Avery came back in with Olivia

"Hey Sweetie, your hair looks nice."
Olivia smiled

I smiled back

"Mia's doing good, she got her oxygen off today and everything is on track for her to be discharged Monday."
Dr Avery smiled

"That's great."
Olivia smiled

"So I'm here to discuss with you what the plans are for when you get discharged Monday...your dad goes to court Monday at 9 am, and our ADA requested and is fighting for remand which means your dad won't get out until trial or if the judge decides he can bond out and makes bond until trial, we have enough evidence that you won't ever have to go back there."
Olivia said

I felt relief and was so hoping she was right
I hoped my dad got to stay in jail I know that sounds bad, but I just want to feel peace

I nodded my head

"Also your placement-so we debated foster care but we just didn't know sometimes finding a match is hard, so we found a space at a place called Child Help USA and its a group home for kids that's been in abusive homes, you'll do school there, eat, everything. It's gated so no one will be able to get in without going through a process, you'll be safe. We've placed kids there that didn't have anyone else, I hope feel comfortable to give it a chance."
Olivia smiled

I looked at Dr Avery and then back to Olivia
I nodded my head yes and smiled

Olivia smiled

"Mia we got to work on getting some weight on you too, you're about 25 pounds underweight you're a tiny girl and even though you're 5'0"
Right now you're still growing but we want to everything to develop Normal and grow normal. I know child help can help you and work with you on other things as well."
Dr Avery Smiled

I smiled And nodded my head

****Sonny's POV****

Saturday afternoon

Amanda and I was cooking out with Fin, Nick, Mike, Elliot, and Olivia was on her way from the hospital visiting Mia, anxious to hear an update on what's next.
I'd be lying I've not stopped thinking About Mia, ever since that first time I met her at Pacific Coast on Monday and then finding her yesterday 4 days after meeting the first time, thinking she was going to die.

I was cooking some burgers on the grill

Olivia said

I looked up

"Hey Liv how are you?"
I asked

"Good, had a good visit at the hospital with Mia."
Olivia smiled

"Is she talking yet?"
I asked

"Not at all, she nods and a smiles but that's about it."
Olivia said

"So where will she go Monday?"
I asked curious

"She'll go to child help, and I'm hoping it'll workout especially since she won't speak at all, can't find her mom and she has no one else."
Olivia said

"You know Amanda and I discussed maybe one day fostering adopting. This case sparked it."
I said

"Sonny I know you and Amanda would be wonderful parents. You know you helped save that girl's life."
Olivia said

"I don't know about that."
I said

"You did, even though she was hurt pretty bad before we could remove her-she survived and you didn't give up on getting to the bottom of it."
Olivia said

"You know I'd be lying if I didn't say I haven't stopped thinking about her, I just feel bad. She just really caught my attention and after we lost our daughter, it made me want to save hey I guess."
I said

"Well we all should be a support to her, she has no one right now."
Olivia said

I looked down flipping the burgers

****Mia's POV****

It's Monday morning
I look at the clock and it's 9:30 am, I assume my dad has already went through court. There is Still an officer outside my door, I'm Nervous about leaving the hospital I wish I could just leave here.

"Hey Mia."
Dr Avery walked in with a smile

"Your lie is looking better, it's starting to open up some."
Dr Avery smiled

I nodded my head

Dr Avery sat on my bed

"I know you haven't talked since you came here but I look forward to hearing how you're doing and updates. 3 weeks from this Friday we can take you cast off and get rid of the sling, also your nose splint can come off around then too. It was broke pretty bad."
Dr Avery said

I leaned up and looked down

"Mia I know you're probably scared but just know life does get better and I think things will be better for you, even when it may get rough. You're going to make it."
Dr Avery said

I nodded and shook my head

"Would you like for me to do your hair and help you get ready for the detectives to come get you?"
Dr Avery asked

I nodded

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