24 - Running mouth

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A/N: I'd update more. Not promising but would work towards it.

I wasn't mad at Minho anymore. It had been a whole weekend. Why did everyone thought I was cos I wasn't listening to them?
To add that I had come to the library to get peace but instead, I dragged in trouble, and shared it with the poor librarian.
She even left us.
"Hey, are you mad?" Seungmin tapped me for the hundredth time.
"No, I am not" I replied, with a highly tired voice.
"Stop asking her or she'd get mad" Hyunjin told him. I sighed even louder making Hyunjin look guilty.
These boys!
"But Minho hyung is like that. You don't need to be mad at him" Han defended.
"All through the weekend, I have other issues than to be angry at him" I said slowly so they won't think I'm still mad.
They went "oooh" and continued talking of other things.
"So how did you spend your whole weekend?" Han turned to me as it was my turn to speak of whatever fun thing we did during the weekend.
"Nah nothing much. Just watched my dad and mom fight over house and women. Oh, and I stayed home all weekend, lol. I have never been able to sit home that long" I scratched my head frantically.
The eyes on me reminded me that I was still on planet earth and not mars where aliens probably didn't understand what I said.
"Okay, y'all. I spilled too much. But as I look up, I'd really appreciate no one giving me sad and piteous looks" I massaged my temples in frustration.
Whenever my head gets filled up, my mouth spills. Like in my first meeting with Chan, I hated when it did that.
The boys looked away from me, Nikki wasn't even looking at me to begin with but at her legs.
"Sorry about your parents" it was Han. I wanted to see what he'd look like without his usual cheerful and bubbly persona. But I didn't want to accidentally make eye contact.
"Thanks. No biggie" I lied.
"You're lying" and Felix pointed it out.
I shrugged. Don't we all lie. Even the "I'm fine" said after "how are you?" is a lie.
Very few people are fine these days.
"I honestly do not know how to help you" came Seungmin. I smiled.
That's honest. I mean, if he doesn't have this type of family problems, he shouldn't know how to help.
"But, I know, things do work out. Maybe not how we want but somehow" he continued.
Nikki patted my shoulders.
"Thanks. Sorry to bother you guys" I ran my hand through my hair.
It wasn't as awkward as I imagined. Jeongin was mostly quiet through our stay in the library. Perhaps not sure how to contribute.
"So, we would have math as replacement to Chemistry!" Nikki groaned as we sat in class for the last subject before break.
"Yeah, our teachers just woke up and chose violence" I seconded.
I noticed 2000 line sitting at the back of the class.
Usually there's no one who owns seats in class as the classes are not permanent so Nikki and I hurriedly ran to sit besides them. Before all those girls did.
"If you're sitting here, you're helping me with Math" Han raised his hand. I smiled but Nikki shifted and sat close to Felix.
"Bold of you to assume I don't need help in math. I wish" Felix sighed.
Nikki exhaled and shifted to Seungmin.
He just looked over her and smiled. That smile looked reassuring, I did need help in math too but whatever.
Class started and soon the worst part came. Classwork.
Han had audibly sighed when the teacher announced that, making the teacher and other students turn back.
"Who sighed?" the teacher's eyes looked dark.
She was holding a book that I guess she won't think twice to throw at whoever sighed.
Han literally turned to stone. The teacher was looking from me to Felix to Han. And the culprit just sat there.
"Come out and solve this problem" the teacher turned back and began writing some German words (math problems) into the board.
"I'm dead" Han whispered. Yes sir, you are.
The question wasn't that hard. Quadratic equations weren't that hard. Han was almost sweating and Felix, well he looked unbothered.
"The answer is nine" I raised my hand. It was a lucky guess, with some low key solving.
The teacher snapped her head to me, "I said to come out and solve it".
I gulped, almost getting up.
"Well, correct. Sigh next time in my class and you'd go home with a special assignment, understood?"
I made a short "hmm".
"And I thought the answer is six" Seungmin chuckled.
Hyunjin looked at his book and smirked, "The answer would be six if only three times three isn't nine".
Seungmin checked his work again and gasped.
I bet Han was looking at me like I was his "Superman" but I didn't meet his gaze. He surely owes me two bucket of ice cream.
"That was risky" Felix whispered to me.
"Yeah, I don't hope to repeat it again" I finally met Han's gaze.
The dramatic quokka smiled but then began crying on my shoulder, "I thought I'd die when she call my name".
"You didn't" Nikki rolled her eyes. Yeah, seeing Han on my shoulder must piss her off. Jealous wimp.
"Stop rubbing yourself on her. She just did you a favor" Felix tried pushing the quokka from me.
I was enjoying it, but for some reasons, he wasn't.

A/N: yeah... 😂

My Life with Eight Superstars || Stray Kids fanfiction || Stayville. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora