23 - More problems

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A/N: Let's live well. Today's challenge for you; settle with that person you have a problem with. 💗

Mom must have left some part of her when we left to Chicago. Like something must be really wrong with her cos I couldn't understand the reason for her actions.
The house that we had been living in before we left was a house that my mom and dad had under their names.
Currently, my dad living in the house with his mistress didn't sit well with her so she sold the house without telling my father while he was still alive. That was her good news!
I mean no matter how much of a jerk my dad had been, leaving his own family for a lady, she sending him to the streets and making him lose ownership of his own property wasn't fair, or legal.
I don't even know how she went about it. More drama came when my dad had to stomp to our house causing a ruckus.
Calling her a witch that wants to ruin his life. Did they think of me as their daughter at all? Saying all those things. Doing all those things.
I was quiet the whole weekend. I was usually quiet but I stayed away from humans in general that weekend.
People could change colors after one incident. Change so much that you'd wonder if you ever knew them.
I sluggishly walked into school, scrubbing my legs along the hallway.
I saw Jeongin talking with a girl who seemed to be looking at him... seductively. And he looked uncomfortable. Who left baby bread on his own again?
"Hey, Innie" I placed my hands on his shoulders. The girl gave me a glare but a fake smile rested on her lips.
"Oh, you're here" relief was in his voice.
"Yeah, where's the rest?" I glanced from the girl to his back, hinting on him leaving her. He took the initiative and excused himself.
"I'd be back. I want to show her the rest" he said smiled.
He'd be back?!
"He might not come back" I added. I didn't need to be so direct since whatever they're doing isn't my business but I said what I said.
"Why?" She eyed me with her five foot lashes.
"Well, I'm stealing him away. Till I let him go" I rolled my eyes sassily. My eyes has been rolling freely these last few days. Maybe cos I've been hearing lots of shit.
"You'd steal him. Is he yours?..." I didn't wait for the girl to finish talking and I left with Jeongin.
"Are you drunk?" He had to ask.
"No, and you need to be careful with all these whores around" I let go of his hands and waved.
I was going to take solace in the library today. Not many people should see my pretty eye bag.
But nope, Nikki said I shouldn't when she caught me three steps away from the library.
"Girl, come on. Irene is gone. We just have a year until Stray Kids leave. We should make what we can of it. Have memories" she yelped.
It made sense but those memories would become painful later. And that what I was scared of.
"I still wanna stay in the library, girl" I threw her hand out of my waist and slid into the library. I bowed and greeted the librarian who just nodded with a stern look.
"Is it about Minho and the Americano?" Nikki sat besides me.
I shook my head, I wasn't so petty to keep a grudge for a weekend. I had other grudges to keep.
"He said sorry when you left. Chan scolded him for it that it made you feel bad" Nikki added.
I felt the first warmth since last Friday when she said that about Chan.
I hadn't felt warmth or happiness since last week, much that I forgot about watching Stray Kids content as well.
"What? He did?" I asked, even if I heard her perfectly.
She smiled, "Yup. I guess you're our group's second maknae" she ruffled my hair.
I felt so small. And when did we and Stray Kids become a 'group'.
"Well, sad I am October, 2000. You?" I just realized I never asked. I just guessed she was the same age with me.
"I'm June, 2000. And please don't say I'm older than Han. It's just with three freaking months" her face molded and it made me laugh.
"Silence" came a voice that belonged to the librarian.
I didn't bother yell out "sorry" and tried to calm down my laughter.
"Don't tell him. I want to keep on calling him Oppa" Nikki added. I coughed out the laughter that was coming and smacked her so she'd stop making me laugh.
We stayed calm reading some books, thanks to us being early that day.
Soon, my new ringtone, memories by *I forgot his name*, began shouting everywhere.
"Hello?" I dragged it to my ear quickly not checking who it was.
"And where are you two?"
I literally shuddered on hearing that Felix's deep Aussie accent.
"Well, Nikki and I are at the library" I had to answer.
"Oh, okay" his voice became light and playful. Still addicting.
"Are you five coming?" I enquired, peeking to see the librarian.
I wonder how she'd feel seeing five noisy boys getting into the library. Cos SKZ sure are noisy.
"Yes, we are coming. And guess what! We found Jaehyun's younger brother, Jisung, he's in grade 10" he kept on yapping. I knew he was walking, or running, from his uneven breaths.
Next thing I knew... Boom! And the librarian began shouting loudly at who slammed the door loudly.
"Sorry, ma'am" came Han's even louder voice.
Nikki was jolted by the sound but soon smiled when she heard Han's voice.

A/N: Here, haha. Noisy boys.
Thank you, GalaxxaiahDavidson, for voting my stories.

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