20 - Fake Accounts

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A/N: I should die, I know. Sorry for late upload. I fell sick. I am still sick but getting better. Enjoy!

"Hey, Felix" Nikki shouted while sprinting towards Han and Felix. I closed my ears cos of how loud her voice was. I followed behind her but looked down when I stepped on some paper.

I'd have pass it but I noticed some clear writing on the note.

"Meet me at the school's back, Lizzie, or die on your way home?" I read out. What? Lizzie? Was it the Lizzie I knew? And she'd die? Who'd kill her?

I looked up at Hyunjin and didn't find Lizzie besides him.

I didn't know how they settled with whichever senior was bullying her. All Hyunjin had said was "it's alright now".

"Senior, let's go and eat" Jeongin came from behind and pushed me forward. I quickly picked up the paper and stuffed it in my pocket.

"Where's Lizzie?" I asked. He pointed to a table ahead. Lizzie was there eating and chatting happily with her classmates. She didn't look like she was under a threat.

I shrugged as it could be another Lizzie but I hoped to take Lizzie home myself, just in case.

"If you can guess the name of all Minho hyung's cats, you'd get two free burger" Felix announced, while dropping down the snacks he just bought.

The amount of snacks he ate was becoming unhealthy to me. But to be fair, he just came back from dance lessons so must be very tired.

We were all on a table, after getting extra chairs from other places.

Hyunjin sighed, "I know their names but I don't know how many they are?".

I wanted to answer but Felix stopped me.

"If he doesn't know how many they are, he can't know their names" he said.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes and went back to his phone.

While the rest racked their brain for the answer, which I and Nikki already knew, I shifted closer to see exactly what Hyunjin always did on his phone.

Seungnim saw me moving and dragged me back gently, "He is reading Stays messages on Vlive and twitter".

Was that was he always read? Both the good and hate messages?

"He reads it every night before sleeping too. Stays always messages so he reads them. And honestly, he hates tiktok cos of all the things he sees but likes watching tiktok".

While Seungnim spoke, I peeked a little to see if Hyunjin was actually reading things from the Stay board.

I dropped messages there too sometimes and I'd be glad, really glad, to know he read them.

But no, what Hyunjin was watching looked like a 'Stray Kid's Funny Moments'. Did they watch those stuff?

And he was on the YouTube app. My goodness.

"By any chance, do you guys have fake accounts?" I had to ask, it bothered me sometimes.

"Yeah, I used my fake account to message you once".

My eyes popped at Han. He was sitting besides Seungnim and had heard my question. I didn't want to believe him.

"On what social media app?" I asked.

"Facebook. It's easier there as there's lots of fake accounts of us too" Han shrugged.

Seungnim didn't react. And I couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

I've had lots of Stays message me on my Facebook account. Asking and saying different questions and ideas about SKZ. Could I have chatted with Han without knowing!

Many of them had fake names cos, of course, we are on Facebook. I wouldn't have had a clue if I was talking to a celebrity.

"Do you have fake accounts too?" I turned to Seungnim.

He looked at me but said nothing.

Was that a yes? Gosh, if Stayville knew that these boys were seeing EVERYTHING they were doing and saying, they'd hide under rocks.

"I wouldn't know if Han has an account though. He does crazy stuff" Felix answered when I asked him after winning the two burgers.

Nikki looked like she was panicking, "Not on tiktok too, right?".

Felix gave her a knowing look, "Nah, we don't need fake accounts to see everything on tiktok".

The way he said 'everything' just creeped my skin.

But of course who am I kidding! This idols have phones and are Gen X to Gen Z.

Why won't they wanna be on social media? And what better thing to do than stalk themselves and their fans.

"Don't tell anyone about my fake account, okay?" Han rubbed my head. Was this squirrel messing with me. I didn't even know the account.

"Don't scare her. He doesn't have any account on tiktok. Only Instagram, Facebook and..." Han was now muffling Jeongin's mouth to prevent him from talking.

"Instagram too?" Nikki held her mouth after she screamed.

Well, there it goes. I just smiled the pain. We need to be careful brothers. And the fact there was an "...and...".

Who knows what it would be. Maybe twitter.

"He won't be the first idol having fake accounts. I knew someone that had on Wattpad. Fanfictions are cringe sometimes" Hyunjin rolled his eyes.

So they read those too!

"I think some are cool" Nikki interjected, finally accepting that these boys must be the creepiest idols alive.

"I try not to read cos it makes me blush. Stays have high expectations of me" Felix shook his head, making Seungnim and Jeongin laugh. I wondered the one he read.

"Well, don't blame stays. They can only write and imagine. Emilia and I are living a fanfiction dream right now" Nikki nudged me.

"Yeah, one can only dream and wish" I added. Hyunjin raised his brow at me, "So you girls dream came true?".

He was reminding me of my 'let's hope dreams come true' so I added, "Yes. A life with your favorite idols. Nothing beats it!".

A/N: I feel like I've talked to an idol before. Don't ask me who or why. 🙂

My Life with Eight Superstars || Stray Kids fanfiction || Stayville. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora