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I do not remember how this episode played out exactly. I only vaguely remember the plot. So don't go attacking me bc the dialogue is different.

Anji Todoroki, now fifteen, had been in the training room since before dawn, practicing her combat skills. She had decided to end her training when the sun was in full view above the mountains. She grabbed a towel and fresh clothes and went to take a shower. After she was cleaned up, she went to the kitchen to make herself and her family, consisting of only her father and twin brother, some breakfast.

After finishing her own meal, she left the rest of the food at the table. She went to her bedroom to grab her cellphone and a hair tie. She pulled her hip length white hair into a neat ponytail, allowing for some pieces to fall in front of her face. Anji washed her face, brushed her teeth and grabbed her small bag with her water bottle and phone. Before leaving the house she kissed two of her fingers and placed them on a portrait of a boy with stark white hair and striking blue eyes.

"Wish me luck, Touya" she said, and then left for U.A. Academy.

Today was the day of U.A.'s entrance exam. Anji and Shoto were taking different exams, due to Shoto being the only twin to be recommended by his middle school. Anji had been training for her exam for ten months. She was determined to get into this school. To show what she was made of. Anji reached the gates of the school and smiled proudly to herself.

"This is it" she said to no one in particular "Today is where it all begins"

Almost fifteen minutes later, students of all kinds came pouring in through the gates. Anji saw students with multiple different appearances, each more interesting than the last. There was a round faced girl with short brown hair and pink cheeks, a large muscular boy with rectangular glasses and what seemed to be mufflers protruding from his calves, a short girl with purple hair and earphone jacks dangling from her earlobes, a boy with yellow hair that had a black lightning bolt streak through it, a boy with short blonde hair and a tail, and so many more.

'Interesting' Anji thought to herself.

Eventually, all the students were sent to the auditorium for a rough run through of what the exam consisted of. Anji sat in between a tired looking boy with purple hair styled up as though it were floating, and another boy with explosive blonde hair and angry red eyes.

After a few moments of waiting, a loud "ALRIIIIGGHHHTTT!!!" forced the students to look ahead of them.

Standing on the stage was pro hero Present Mic, the loudest hero known to Japan. Anji covered her ears, not exactly used to such loud noises, as he let out another scream.

After the high volume entrance, the pro finally went over the rules of the entrance exam. They were going to be going against giant robots that were going to be representing villains. Each robot bad a different point system ranging from one to three points.

'Seems simple enou-'

"Excuse me! But there are four robots on the pamphlet you handed out to us!" Muffler Boy shouted from three rows down, his hand chopping the air as he spoke.

"I was just about to get to that my man!" Present Mic shouted enthusiastically, making finger guns at Muffler Boy "The fourth robots are worth zero points but they are much larger and harder to take down! They're only purpose is to inconvenience you!"

Muffler Boy finally sat down and stayed quiet for the remainder of the presentation. Moments later, Present Mic sent the students loose to begin the exam. Hundreds of students stood behind the large gate leading to the exam site, waiting in anticipation for their times to shine.

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