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Before I begin I'd like to thank F_ckingsunshine and -The-Angel-Girl- for your unyielding support. You two have been a huge motivation for a story that I was genuinely considering taking down. Thank you to everyone who is reading this right now, I really appreciate the support.

Alright! Enough with the sappy shit bc I dont feel like dealing with any emotions today!


Anji Todoroki
Age: 5
Height: 101.6 cm.
Quirk: Blazing Snow
She has the ability to produce white fire; however, her body temperature drops rapidly after prolonged use of her quirk.
Background: Youngest daughter of No.2 hero, Endeavor, a.k.a. Enji Todoroki. Recently lost eldest brother, Touya Todoroki, due to a training incident. Allergic to strawberries
Count: 0

"We're here" Mr. Yagami announced to the small girl, half asleep in the back seat.

Anji groggily lifted her head, and rubbed her tired eyes before looking out the tinted window of the large, black SUV. Her bright blue eyes scanned the surrounding are, expecting the sight of a large camp, with small children running about each with a special ability like hers.

Instead, she was met with a large white building, devoid of any life, surrounded by dry and barren land. No children, no tents, no fire pit for s'mores and campfire songs. Just a long woman wearing a white coat waving the car over in her direction.

"Mr. Yagami" Anji asked in a timid voice "Who's that?"

"Why, that's Dr. Shirudo" he responded "She runs this establishment"

"So, she's the counselor?"

Mr. Yagami let out a small chuckle "Something like that"

Mr. Yagami parked the car on the left side of the building and walked around to open Anji's door. He held his hand out for her to take and led her to the front of the building, where Dr. Shirudo was waiting.

"Ah! You must be Anji Todoroki!" she exclaimed holding her hand out.

Anji politely shook her hand "It's nice to meet you Ms. Shirudo"

"Oh, you're so polite" she cooed "Wouldn't expect any less from such a lovely family"

"Lovely..." Anji muttered.

"Well!" Dr. Shirudo exclaimed "Let's get on with the tour! You're going to be staying here for quite a while"

"But Mr. Yagami said I'll be home before I know it"

"And you will" Dr. Shirudo said "But we can't have you getting lost in this big building now can we?"

"I suppose not"

Anji took Dr. Shirudo's hand as Mr. Yagami opened the large metal door behind the two girls. Behind the door was a long tiled hallway illuminated by white LED lights. Dr. Shirudo squeezed Anji's hand as she led the small girl down the hall.

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