Mr. Yagami

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"NOOOO!!!! I DON'T WANT YOU TO GO!!" Dark Shadow cried as he clung to Anji, preventing her from reaching the front door.

Fumikage rubbed his temples in annoyance "Dark Shadow, she will be here tomorrow. You need to allow her to go home"

"NO!" Dark Shadow whined, hugging Anji tighter.

Anji giggled at Dark Shadow's childish antics and gently pet the too of his head.

"Don't worry, Dark Shadow. I promise I'll come back tomorrow. I'll even be here early so we can hang out longer!"

"Swear it?" Dark Shadow fake sniffles.

Anji held in a laugh as she hugs him tightly "Cross my heart and hope to die"

Dark Shadow nodded his head and slowly released Anji so she could go home. The twins said their final goodbyes to their classmates before walking through the gates. They continued their journey home in silence. But something was a little off.

"You did great out there Anji" Shoto said.

Anji nodded "Thanks Sho, you did as well" she muttered.

Shoto noticed his little sister's change in demeanor "Hey, are you alright?

"Hm? Oh yeah! I'm...fine" she hesitated, staring at her feet.

"No you're not" he argued.

"What?! I dont know what you're talking about! I'm perfectly fine" she denied, staring at her feet at the end of her sentence.

"You stare at your feet when you lie" he said bluntly.

"I...ugh" Anji gave up "You're too good at this"

Shoto grabbed her hand and gripped it, swinging it slightly.

"Ana" Shoto said softly "Is something the matter?"

Anji sighed quietly "I don't know. I mean, I'm proud of how far we've come. I found someone who can challenge me and push me past my limits. I made a bunch of friends and I even get to spend more time with you"

Shoto nodded his head "But?"

"What do you mean 'but?'! There is no 'but'!" Anji exclaimed.

Shoto sighed "Anji, I know that you've only been here for a few months, but I know when something's bothering you. I dont know how, I Maybe it's because we're twins"

"I don't know about that" Anji laughed "I guess....despite the fact that everything's working out for me, there's something missing. Like I'll never truly be satisfied because there's always gonna be that little missing puzzle piece"

Shoto nodded his head knowingly "I think I understand what you're talking about"

"You do?"


The twins spent the next few moments of their journey home in comfortable silence. Hand in hand, soft squeezes being exchanged between the two. Only separating once they reach the familiar Japanese structure that they called home. Just before Anji went to open the door, Shoto stopped her.

"If, at any moment, you'd like to talk about how you're feeling" he offered "you don't have to even ask. I'm only a few meters away now"

"Only a few meters" Anji repeats in her head.

Anji nodded her head, and the twins made their way into the house. They stopped at the front, when they noticed two extra pairs of shoes by the door. Two extra pairs that the twins didn't recognize.

Shoto gave Anji a nod, which she returned, and the two began stalking their way over to the kitchen. The door was closed, but they could hear laughing from behind the thin wooden slider. Something crashed in the kitchen, the sound causing the twins to burst through the door. They were prepared for a fight, but stopped upon seeing whom it was.

Little Sister (Bnha Fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora