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Seven year old Anji crouched behind a wall, hiding herself from the others hunting her. She covered her mouth and turned her blue eyes away from the boy lying a few feet from her.

She tried to forget who it was. But her mind kept reminding herself that it was Mikaru. The nice big kid who would always give his desserts to her because he couldn't have sweets.

Anji ran from her hiding spot when she could no longer bear the sight of her only friend. She rushed into another section of the maze before running into an older kid. She backed up and noticed that he was not going to back down. Determination shone in his autumn leaf eyes as he took a fighting stance. Anji followed suit.

The older boy, Hitori Tachuhara, was nine, but he knew that the young girl in front of him had far exceeded her age bracket and was not one to be taken lightly. The two students locked eyes and sprung into action.

Hitori struck first landing a swift punch to Anji's midsection. She stumbled back before recuperating herself and shot a single blast of fire at the boy.

Neither would even think to hold back, for too much was on the line.
"Now children" Dr. Shirudo stood in front of the large group of young quirk users, all ranging from five to seventeen "This final unit will determine which of you will be graduating to the next class.

"Think of it as" she paused "a final exam of sorts.

"Each of you will be divided into groups depending on your age. You will all have to put your skills to the test in a type of Battle Royale. One by one you will be eliminated until we have twelve students remaining"

Dr. Shirudo looked at Anji Todoroki, five years old, "Those final twelve will be graduating"

She then gestured to the entire class "Are there any questions?"

No one dared utter a word.

"Wonderful. Now" she snapped her fingers "let's begin"

Six year old Anji wiped the sweat from her brow, pushing her triangular bangs from her eyes. She had defeated the last student from her bracket. A girl just taller than her with short orange curls and chubby red cheeks now painted in various shades of purple and green. Her bright green eyes were closed, unlikely to open for quite some time.

Two of the assistant doctors went to her and picked her up from underneath her arms before dragging her unconsious body out of the white room. Anji stood straight at the sight of Dr. Shirudo and Mr. Yagami making their way inside the room, Dr. Shirudo's slow clap matching the two adults' steps.

"Congratulations Ms. Todoroki" Dr. Shirudo said giving Anji a short pat on the head "You're the last one"

"Does that mean I get to move up?" Anji asked.

"Yes" Dr. Shirudo nodded "Now you get to be with the third forms"

Seven year old Anji stood with the rest of this years graduates. Dr. Shirudo walked to the front of the room, and all of the students stood up straight.

"Congratulations, children" Dr. Shirudo opened her arms to her students "You twelve are our newest graduates"

The twelve students stayed silent. They all knew better than to speak let alone celebrate their accomplishments.

"But the test is not quite over"

Twelve bodies stood straighter, as though their heads were pulled upward by a string. Not over? But they graduated. Graduation is always the end.

Little Sister (Bnha Fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora