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Anji swung her foot and landed a swift heel kick to the face of the nearest thug. Bakugou began sending several explosions to those who came close to him. Kirishima activated his hardening and began punching and pushing thugs out of the openings in the building.

"Ah!" Anji cried out as one of the thugs grabbed her by her ponytail, attempting to throw her out of the opening.

"Anji!" Kirishima yelled out.

Anji grabbed the hand tangled in her hair and threw the thug over her shoulder, out the opening. Once she steadied herself, she unleashed on the incoming lowlifes, punching and kicking with such power that not even the boys had seen before.

"They're coming in too fast!" Kirishima yelled, punching a man with tusks coming from his mouth "We won't be able to hold them off much longer"

Anji took Kirishima's words into consideration before forming a plan in the split second.

"Heads up!" she cried as she kicked both boys to the far corner of the building.

Once her classmates were out of the way, she placed herself in between them and the incoming thugs. With the precision and grace of a dancer, Anji raised her leg and sent a wave of white flames that sent every thug out of the building. When the smoke cleared, Kirishima looked out the opening to see the thugs knocked out at the bottom.


"Come on" Anji said discarding her broken hair tie, letting her long white hair cascade down her back "We need to get back to Mr. Aizawa and the rest of our class"

The boys nodded and the three of them ran out of the ruins section, back to the center of the USJ. When they arrived, Aizawa and the Shigiraki guy from earlier were still fighting. They noticed that their teacher seemed awfully beat up and was struggling to hold his own against Shigiraki.

Shirgiraki had Aizawa pinned to the ground beneath him, his hand gripping Aizawa's elbow. Anji watched in horror as his the skin begins to flake off, leaving a horrid, bloody injury behind. Shigiraki turned to Kurogiri's fog to summon something from the darkness.

A large monstrous creature emerged from the fog. Its eyes bugged out from either side of its head while its brain protruded from the top of its skull. The skin had a sickly purple hue, and it smelled rancid as it marched toward Aizawa's broken body.

Anji froze. She watched, her face only reflecting pure terror. She knew this monster. Or, at least, many like it. She knew that Aizawa stood no chance against such a beast.

The Nomu would surely kill him.

Without a thought in her mind, Anji dashed in the direction of the Nomu. She grabbed Aizawa by the back of his shirt and threw him toward Bakugou and Kirishima. Before the Nomu could land it's first blow, Anji shot a strong blast of fire directly at it's face. The Nomu stumbled backward, but quickly regained composure.

One punch from the beast was all it took to send Anji across the USJ. She attempted to stand, but cried out at a sharp pain in her ribs. She knelt to the ground, clutching her abdomen. She desperately tried to ignore the blood seeping through the corner of her lip as she timed her breathing.

In three, hold two, out one...

She slowly lifted her head and saw a tall, thin figure approaching her. Anji tried to create a small veil of fire between them in an attempt to escape, but her arm was quickly caught. She was thrown to the ground, her ribs cracking at the impact. Four out of five fingers held her wrists behind her back, and Shirgiraki's other hand slowly move toward the back of Anji's head.

The hand made contact, but nothing happened. Anji looked ahead and saw Aizawa. His hair was standing upright and his eyes glowed a miraculous red. He threw his scarf toward Anji, wrapping it around her abdomen, before pulling her away from Shigiraki. Anji had to bite her lip to suppress a cry as she was placed by Bakugou and Kirishima.

"M-Mr. Aizawa I-"

"Don't" he interrupted "You have no need to apologize. Your interference bought me time"

Aizawa rose to his feet, standing in between Shigiraki and his students.

"Stay there, stay safe" he said "You've done enough, now leave it to the pros"

Anji felt herself lean back against Kirishima who put a protective arm over her body. Bakugou stood in front of them, ready for any possible threats.

Aizawa did not do well against the Nomu. His students could only watch as Aizawa was thrown around by the giant monster.

Anji's eyes trailed over to Shigiraki, who simply stood there, watching. His head whipped to his right at the sound of a student's voice. Anji followed his gaze and saw three of her classmates crouched behind a small bush. In a flash, Shigiraki was less than a meter away from them. His hand was outstretched and only centimeters from Asui's face. Anji watched in horror as his hand finally made contact.


Shigiraki suddenly flew backward with a gust of wind, revealing Midoriya with his fist suspended, mid-punch. Aizawa held his eyes open as he was continuously beat by the Nomu.

Suddenly, the doors to the USJ were burst open and a large figure practically flew in. Relieved smiles found their way onto the faces of the young students as All Might placed himself in front of the Nomu.

Kirishima left Anji with Bakugou, so he could safely retrieve their teacher and bring him over with the three of them. Kirishima placed Aizawa next to Anji, who was now leaned up against a rock.

Anji struggled to keep herself upright as she tried to watch All Might fight against the Nomu. Eventually, she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer, and she passed out from sheer exhaustion.

Anji woke up to a sudden warmth against her face. She slowly opened her eyes, taking time to adjust to the blinding light. The sillouhette of her brother slowly came into proper light, his concern visible once he moved to the other side of the hospital bed.

"Are you alright, Ana?" Shoto asked, taking a seat beside from his sister.

Anji only nodded before reaching for the IV tube in her arm. Shoto grabbed her wrist, stopping her movement.

"You're still recovering" he said "Recovery Girl said you needed to rest, so your injuries can heal properly"

"But I've been healed" Anji argued "Recovery Girl has already healed me, so I'm good to go aren't I?"


Shoto's voice was stern. He didnt raise his volume any, but his tone was harsher than he usually used to speak with Anji.

"You need to rest" he continued "All Recovery Girl did was repair your ribs, but your body is exhausted"

He grabbed Anji's hand and gave it a comforting squeeze as he brought it back down to rest onto the bed.

"Aizawa" Anji said suddenly "Is he alright?"

Shoto nodded.

"What about Midoriya, and All Might? Have any of our classmates-"

"Everyone is alright" Shoto interrupted "You and Aizawa were in the most critical condition, and Midoriya only had a few broken limbs"

Anji let out a relieved sigh. Shoto brought his free hand to brush a stray hair from Anji's forehead before gently stroking her hair.

"Now rest, I promise I'll be right here when you wake up"

Anji nodded her head as she was slowly lulled to sleep. And Shoto, true to his word, stayed by her side through the night and into the morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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