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Anji awaited beside her brother as Muffler Boy assumed a readied stance. He was racing against Little Green, who was fidgeting nervously and mumbling incoherently to himself. Suddenly, the starting pistol sounded, causing Anji to jump and grab Shotos arm, nearly missing as Muffler Boy sped past. Unfortunately, Little Green was left behind. He made pretty good time but couldn't come close to Muffler Boy's.

"Woah! That's such a cool quirk!" Anji gushed.

Muffler Boy turned to properly greet Anji.

"Thank you!" He said before bowing his head "I'm Tenya Iida it's a pleasure to meet you"

Anji smiled "I'm Anji and this is Shoto it's nice to meet you too!" she said, trying to match his volume.

Anji then gave a small giggle causing everyone within a two meter radius to completely explode. Except for Shoto of course. Iida gave the twins a slight smile and made his way to complete another test, all while trying to wrap his head around the fact that someone like this even exists.

"It should not be at all possible for someone to be this bubbly! Who is this girl!?"

Anji and Shoto stand at the start line, waiting for the pistol to sound. Once they heard the guns shot, they launched themselves forward. Shoto using his ice as a conveyer belt, and Anji using her fire as a boost. They stayed neck and neck until the very end, when Shoto had beaten her by a mere second. Anji looked at their times and grumbled to herself, then Shoto placed a hand on her head.

"I win"

"Hey!" Anji laughed, throwing his hand to the side "No need to rub it in! Jerk!"

Shoto smiled at his little sister then gestured to another test "Come on, you have a few more chances"

The twins continued blazing through the rest of the tests, turning it into some form of a game. Anji won some, Shoto won others, but they mostly tied. The score was three to three and each of the twins was determined to beat the other.

"What's the next one, Ana?" Shoto asked, looking around.

Anji pointed to the only remaining fitness test, and the twins nodded at one another. An unspoken declaration of war as they make their way to the final station. Push-ups. The two of them knew that they were physically stronger than the average teenager, so they were each confident about their own abilities. Either twin was convinced that the other one was going to lose.

"Next two" Me. Aizawa called.

Shoto and Anji stepped forward but Little Green was already at the push-up station. Anji motioned Shoto forward, allowing him to compete with someone else for a change. The timer started and they began. Shoto and Little Green stayed at an even tempo for a total of three minutes, but eventually Little Green began to falter. He slowed down while Shoto kept the same rythm until he could no longer get himself off the ground. Shoto continued for another minute until Mr. Aizawa told him to stop.

"Seventy-six push-ups for Izuku Midoriya, and eighty-seven push-ups for Shoto Todoroki" Mr. Aizawa announced "Next two"

Anji stepped forward and kneeled into a push-up position. As she was waiting for the timer to sound, a pair of black and orange boots stomped their way next to her, and another body took the same position as hers.

"Going to try and beat me this time Bakugou?" Anji asked with a smirk.

"Damn right Inferno, I'll smoke your ass right out of this school" he sneered.

"Good luck, Bakugou" Anji said as the timer sounded.

Two minutes in, Bakugou and Anji have kept the same rythm since they started, neither showing any signs of stopping. At this point, the entire class had circled around the two of them, silently cheering for their classmates. Suddenly, Bakugou and Anji pick up speed, still neck and neck with one another. This continued on for another three minutes and neither of the two teens showed any signs of slowing down.

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