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Anji Todoroki, age four, sat quietly behind her oldest brother, Touya, as her father marveled at her twin brother's quirk. Shoto, the eldest twin, developed his quirk earlier than his younger sister, but eradicated any chance of hers being any better. Shoto somehow gained the ability to produce their mother's quirk from his right hand, and their father's quirk from his left. Half ice, half fire. There was no way Anji could compete with that. Shoto would just have to continue being the golden child.

For three days, Anji sat in her and her brother's shared bedroom and concentrated. She tried her hardest to reach inside of herself to produce even a flicker or just a flake. Anything to show that she had a power too. She gave up two days later.

"I'm quirkless!" She cried to her oldest brother, Touya.

Touya simply chuckled and ruffled his sister's soft white hair. She looked up with teary eyes and glared at him. Her bright turquoise eyes would've caused him to back off, if not for the adorable pout and puffed red cheeks that only caused his soft laughter to start back up again. Eventually Anji gave in and began to giggle alongside her brother. Her big brother's laughter being far to contagious for her to hold back.

"You're not quirkless Little One" he said smiling fondly at her.

"But Shoto got his quirk and I didn't" she countered.

Touya kneeled down to look her in the eye and grabbed her by her shoulders.

"Shoto may have gotten his quirk first, but that doesn't mean you won't ever get yours. I didn't get mine when I was your age"

"You didn't?" Anji sniffed.

Touya shook his head, "I got mine when I was five, almost six"

"Wow! And you're quirk is the coolest!" Anji beamed.

Touya sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck "Yeah, it is pretty cool" he flashed Anji a small crooked smile "But I bet yours is gonna be even more amazing. You've just gotta wait a little longer 'kay?"

The small girl nodded her head, then dropped it, making her snow white hair fall over her face.

"But...what if I am quirkless?" she asked.

Touya pulled his youngest sister into a tight hug, "Then you're quirkless, but that doesn't mean anything. Quirk or no quirk you're always going to be my number one"

Anji hugged back "Promise?"

Touya smiled to himself "Promise"

For the next few weeks, Anji remained without a quirk. At first she was upset, but, after a while, she didn't care. On this day she and her older siblings, Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Touya were playing tag. Natsuo was "it" and was currently chasing after a screaming and giggling Anji. He finally caught up to her and tapped her shoulder, declaring her "it". She immediately ran to Fuyumi, who was beginning to get tired from all of the running. She was the only one who hadn't been tagged yet, and Anji wanted to be the one to tag her. She slowly, but surely, began creeping closer until she was only a few inches from her sister.

"Gotcha!" she cried and she pushed her hand forward, right on Fuyumi's right shoulder.

Just as her hand made contact, Fuyumi let out a horrifying scream. Anji immediately jumped back in fear. Natsuo and Touya came running over at the sound of their sister's cry and the sight made the color drain from both their faces. On Fuyumi's right shoulder, right where Anji had tagged her, was a large, scolding, blistering burn. Fuyumi was on the ground crying because of the pain. Anji was crying as well, but from fear. She was scared-no, terrified that her sibling were going to hate her forever and that her father was going to be angry.

Suddenly they heard large footsteps pounding their way to the four children. They all turned their heads to see their father looking over them with a scowl plastered across his face. Their mother, Rei, wasn't too far behind, holding Shoto in her arms. Rei saw Fuyumi and set Shoto down to quickly comfort her daughter.

"What happened?" Enji said in a low rumble.

Natsuo spoke up, still looking at Fuyumi, horror plastered on his face "We were just playing tag a-and A-Anji was i-it she tagged h-her a-and Fuyumi got h-hurt"

"I didnt mean it I swear!" Anji cried, tears streaming down her small face.

Enji glowered at his crying daughter "So it was your quirk that did this?"

"Dad, she didn't mean to, her quirk just developed at the wrong time" Touya came to her defence.

Enji shot a glare at his eldest, who shut his mouth and hung his head.

"Well?" he asked Anji.

Anji sniffed and nodded her head.

Enji spoke again, this time to his wife "Rei, take Fuyumi to the hospital to get treated. Anji, come with me" he held out his hand for her to take.

Anji looked up in fear, but slowly grabbed her father's hand. Enji quickly walked to the house and brought Anji to a room she had never been in before. It looked like all of the other rooms in their house, the same traditional Japanese design, but it was rid of any furniture. Enji brought her to the middle of the room before releasing her hand and taking a few steps back, his glare never faltering.

"Show me" he demanded in a low rumble.

Anji looked up curiously "H-huh?"

"Your quirk" he said "I want to see it"

Anji looked at her hands "I-I don't know if I can"

"Concentrate" Enji said "Reach inside and find it"

Anji hesitantly nodded. She squeezed her little eyes shut and tried her hardest to find it inside her. She concentrated as hard as she could, but nothing came from it. She sighed in defeat and dropped her stance. Anji hung her head in disappointment.

"You're trying too hard" Enji grumbled.

Anji looked at her father for further explanation.

"Close your eyes" he said, and Anji did as she was told "Imagine a flame in the pit of your stomach, make it move within your body. Urdge it to flow in your veins, through your arms until it extends from your hand. Concentrate"

Anji nodded and tried to visualize a small flame inside of her. She imagined it moving fluidly with her veins to her hand. She felt a tingly warmth in her arm, then a rush of heat going through her palm. Her eyes shot open, and she saw it. A beautiful burst of fire shooting from her hand. She stared in pure wonder as the flames danced around her fingers.

"My quirk!" Anji exclaimed, overjoyed.

Her joyful expression changed to one of shock as the fire emitting from her body began to change. She and her father stared in disbelief as her quirk increased in temperature and intensity. The flames transforming from yellow, to red, to blue, and finally, a gorgeous white blaze shot from Anji's small hand, into the air, and through the roof. Enji jumped back and stared in amazement at the damage done by his youngest daughter.

"Good" Enji said, his usual glare ever so prominent "We can begin your quirk training tomorrow. That way you can use your quirk more efficiently"

Anji's excited expression dropped as she clenched her small fists at her side "I don't wanna use my quirk"

Enji looked at her curiously "And why is that?"

"I hurt Fuyumi" she choked out "and now she hates me. And Natsu looked scared, mom too. I dont wanna hurt anyone else like Shoto or T-touya"

Anji's blue eyes began to tear up before she let out a loud sob "I hate my quirk! I hate it! I hate it!"

Enji placed a hand in her shoulder and kneeled down to look at his youngest child "You're not going to hurt anyone else. That's why we need to train it. If you gain control, no one will get hurt"

Anji wiped her tears and nodded her head. Enji sent her back to her siblings so they could continue playing their game. For tomorrow, everything was going to change.

And Anji couldn't have been less prepared.

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