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Ochako stood in shock upon hearing the story of Anji's past. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"So after I officially graduated my eigth term, I had been sent home to live with my family" Anji said "I had convinced them to allow me to go to a normal high school"

"Wow" Ochako gasped "That's incredible"

"You're probably going to be the best hero out there if you were eligible for such a special program so young"

Anji nodded.

"Wait" Ochako said "Why doesn't you brother know?"

"He's incredibly protective over me" Anji answered "I don't think he'd be all too thrilled about the fact that I was training with such powerful heroes when I was only six"

"I suppose that makes sense" Ochako said.

"You can't tell anyone in the class though" Anji said quickly "I don't want to be treated any differently because I was in an advanced quirk program"

Ochako nodded her head "Of course, your secret's safe with me"

Anji smiled and hugged Ochako tightly, thanking her for listening. She did regret lying to her friend, but she was scared of the truth. She was scared of how other people would see her if they knew. So she had spun a tale of an advanced program built to create heroes from children with inredible quirks. Anji was pretty sure that it was a real thing that one of the top heroes was in, so the lie was quite credible.

Anji and Ochako returned to the rest if the class, and they watched the rest of their classmates while they completed the assignment. Some were far more well done than others, but all of them were very interesting. It was amazing seeing all fmof the strange dynamics being formed between otherwise strangers.

A field trip?

Anji had never been on one.

'I wonder what it's going to look like'

The USJ was a widely talked about subject in class 1-A for days after finding out about the upcoming trip. On the day of the trip, the entire class was buzzing with excitement. All twenty-one students piled onto the bus, dressed in their new hero costumes. All except Midoriya whose costume was destroyed in the earlier assignment.

Everyone was talking excitedly about the different scenarios that they would be exposed to. Real life dangers that could happen, and whose quirks would be best suited for them. Eventually, the conversation transitioned to who would make it as a pro.

"Typically the most popular heroes have very flashy quirks" Kirishima said, after showing off his hardening ability.

"That seems ridiculous" Anji said "Your quirk is incredible, there's no reason you wouldn't be popular"

Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck and smiled, thanking Anji.

"What about you and your brother?" Kaminari asked "The two of you have pretty flashy quirks, and especially your charismatic charm would certainly make you very popular"

"I could say the same about you, Denki" Anji smiled "You don't get much flashier than electricity manipulation, and you're quite charming yourself"

Denki chuckled nervously at the compliment, struggling to hide the flattered blush on his cheeks.

"If we're talking about flashy quirks" Asui interjected "I think Bakugou would be most popular"

"True" Anii said, looking at the grumpy boy "But I think his attitude would need a little adjustment, so he doesn't scare away any fans"

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