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Anji woke up the next morning, but she wasn't by her brother.

"Strange" she thought "I thought I fell asleep with Shoto"

Anji simply shrugged it off and went to start her day. It was dark outside, but it wasn't at all unusual for Anji to wake up before the sun. She went into her closet to talk to Touya, but his picture wasn't there. Neither were the candles and incense. Anji panicked for a moment, before a small voice broke through her thoughts.


Anji whipped her head around and saw her twin brother. But he was different. There, in front of her, was a smaller version Shoto as a mere five year old. In a state of panic, Anji ran out of her bedroom and into the family room.

She stood in the middle of the room trying to calm her raising heart, so she could think properly. Anji began to pace around, trying to figure out what was happening when he bumped into something. It fell to the ground and shattered. It was a mirror reflecting multiple replicas of a five year old girl. In her jumbled mind all Anji could think was "run".

And she did. She ran as quickly as she could along a trail that lead to the mountains by their home. Eventually, the running became too much for her and she was forced to rest. She took a look at her surroundings, finding an odd familiarity with the scenery. She shrugged it off, assuming it was because she used to play around there as a kid. She was broken free of her thoughts by a loud cry of pain.

"That voice" she thought "I know that voice"

Another, even louder cry was heard, followed by the smell of burning trees....and flesh. Anji sprinted toward the smell, eventually seeing smoke and a blue hue above the treetops. Anji stopped at the sight of a large inferno of blue flames growing by the second. In the middle of the flames was the figure of a thirteen year old boy. It all felt way too familiar as the boy turned to her. The moment his blue eyes met hers, fear and dread overtook Anji's features.

In that moment

"No no no"

Everything clicked


And she knew

"Stop this"

Exactly what was happening

"No!!" Anji cried, running to the boy as he was being engulfed by the effects of his quirk.

Just before her hand could reach him, a strong force pulled her back and into the ground and her senses were consumed by darkness.

Anji shot up from her sleeping position and clamped a hand over her mouth to absorb her scream. She looked to the other side of her bed and saw her brother sleeping peacefully, still the same age he was the previous night. Anji let out a sigh of relief. She had disrupted too many people with her reaccuring nightmares. Anji checked the time on her phone, seeing that was 4:26 in the morning. She let out a silent groan at the realization that she would not be going back to sleep anytime soon.

Anji carefully removed the blanket from her body, making sure to cause as little movement as possible to keep from disturbing her sleeping brother. Shoto began to stir and mumble incoherently but resumed his peaceful sleep moments later. Anji breathed out a sigh of relief as she quietly made her way to the bathroom to start her day.

As she walked into the bathroom she checked the mirror and, to her relief, she was still fifteen. She proceeded to brush and style her long white hair, pulling it into a slightly messy ponytail before brushing her teeth. After she had washed and moisturized her face, her phone dinged and showed a notification from her calendar app.

'first day!' it read in bold letters.

She refrained from squealing, taking note that her brother and father were still sleeping soundly. Instead, she opted for a small victory dance in the bathroom. Anji checked the time in her phone, which read 5:13 AM. Shoto would be waking up in just a few minutes. She quickly and quietly entered her and her brother's bedroom to pick up her new school uniform, then left to change in the bathroom.

"Not bad" he said as she twirled a little in front of the bathroom mirror.

She then heard the sound of her brother's wake up alarm, and picked up all of her bathroom stuff off of the counter for him. As soon as she had all of her thing neatly put away in the bathroom closet, Shoto walked in, still dressed in his pajamas and slightly dragging his feet.

"Good morning Shoto" Anji greeted quietly, knowing her brother gets headaches first thing in the morning.

"Good morning" he replied with a small, soft smile.

"You excited for the first day?"

"Mm" Shoto answered, grabbing his things from the closet.

Anji quietly giggled and walked into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the three of them. She made a family favorite that Touya had learned from their mother. Her face and excitement fell at the memory of Touya's hands on hers teaching her how to properly whisk the eggs for breakfast.

"Don't be afraid to tip the bowl just a bit so you can get all of the eggs in there"

Anji nodded her head and stuck her tongue out in concentration as she attempted to whisk the eggs without making a mess. However, her small hands weren't strong enough to hold the bowl properly, and it fell to the ground. The eggs were spilled all over the floor, and the bowl was reduced to shattered fragments. Touya and Anji looked up in dread as they saw their father's approaching figure. Anji slightly trembled in her spot and slowly moved behind Touya, gripping his sweatshirt.

"What is all of this commotion?" Enji asked, clearly agitated.

"We-we were-"

"It's my fault" Touya interrupted "I was making breakfast and allowed myself to get distracted. I dropped the bowl on accident, and Anji offered to help clean it up. I'm sorry"

Anji looked at her brother curiously, wondering why he would lie like that to their father. She was about to speak out, to tell Enji that it was her who broke the bowl, but the the words got stuck in her throat. Enji glared down at his daughter, who trembled behind her brother, and let out a small sound of disappointment.

"Anji" the poor girl flinched at the sound of her name "clean this mess, Touya, come with me"

Enji grabbed Touya by the arm and dragged him down the hall. Before they dissapeared around the corner, Touya gave a small look of reassurance. Telling his little sister that everything was going to be okay.

Anji cleaned the eggs and picked up the glass, cutting her small hands in the process. The physical pain was bearable though. She couldn't, however, stand listening to her big brother's cried of agony from the training room. She finished cleaning the mess, then ran to Touya's bedroom, onto his bed. She curled into a small, scrunched up ball, and cried her little heart out.

After what felt like an eternity, Touya entered his bedroom. He was sporting new bandages on his arms, legs, and even around his neck. He sat down next to his crying sister, and Anji threw her arms around him. Anji sobbed into her brother's chest, while Touya slowly stroked her hair.

"It's alright Little One" he whispered sweetly into her ear.

"It's going to be alright"

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