Part 44: Shinobi Masters: Beggining

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Senkō: Rule four, each round of the Shinobi masters will have a specific set of goals. The rules will be announced before the game.

Gekkō: That concludes the briefing.

Reed: Wait! Our team has more members than anyone else. There's 8 of us. How about 5 of the 8 come out every round at our choice.

Fubuki: Hm... I'll allow it. For fairness sake.

Yumi: We understand and we're ready for any fight you throw us our way. But know this, once this is over, you release the Hanzō academy girls. That was the agreement.

Fubuki: Yes of course. As soon as it's all over.


Mike: All the teams for the first round will be the same and their captains too. Let's just check in on the new group of the bunch

*Time resume*

*Hanzō students POV*

Reed: Strategically, Roy should be the captain. He has the strongest body as he is made of rubber. He can also use his gear 4th to enhance his durability. But we have to make sure to use this when we need it. As Roy will be knocked out after.

Roy: When I'm in gear 4th, we only have 10 minutes to win. And that's it.

Orange: I see. Does anyone have any objections.

Chosen one: Don't have any. Hbu?

Stickmen: *Nod in agreement* This'll be fine.

Reed: Great. Let's do this then.


Haruka: I see. So it was Asuka who gave you that wound.

Homura: It's not like I let my guard down. But Asuka was acting really different. She changed her fighting style.

Mirai: Do you think something happened to her?

Hikage: Is it related to her classmates being kidnapped? Or her emotions have gotten the best of her? That makes sense right?

Homura: It's not that. If she was fighting for her friends, I would have felt more passion behind it. But during the battle...


Asuka: One thing i've learnt, there is no justice.

*Flashback end*

Homura: Her eyes of those who experienced great despair.

Mirai: Despair really?

Haruka: That really doesn't sound like her.

Homura: I know but I could feel her hesitation. Reed and Roy felt it too. They constantly told her to stop. Even while fighting. And because of that, The old Asuka is still in there somewhere. I know it. And Reed and Roy too. It's not too late to come back from this. If she needs help I'll be there for her. I'll be happy to lend her a hand. And so will her classmates. Hey Haruka have they set the date of the Shinobi masters yet?

Haruka: About that, I told them we wouldn't be coming. It just seemed like a good idea at the time.

*With Reed and Roy*

Reed: Hey, where's Homura?

Roy: Didn't she swear she'd come here? Darn idiot forgot.

*Back with them*

Haruka: To be fair, we didn't know when you'd wake up Homura.

Hikage: Yeah, it's not like we can play ninja and leave you here all by yourself.

Homura: Oh I see. Sorry guys.

Mirai: No biggie. The event was supposed to start earlier today.

Homura: Wait seriously!? Oh wait this is perfect!

Haruka: What do you mean?

Homura: We're rouge Shinobi, it doesn't matter if we canceled or not we can do what we want, whenever we want.

Mirai: Now I see what you're saying.

Yomi: Yes you're right. And we still have time. I bet we could make it if we hurry.

*A cold chill runs down their spines*

Homura: What the!? *Opens the door*

Kuzan: Yo.

Homura: KUZAN!?!

Kuzan: I came here to pick you up. As requested by Reed and Roy.

Yomi: You sure you can keep up with us!?

Kuzan: Let's see if you can keep up with me. *Jumps up*

Homura: Follow him! *Follows him*

Mirai: Got it! *Follows Homura*

Haruka: Coming! *Follows Homura*

Hikage: What a bother... *Jumps after Homura*

Yomi: Wait up! *Follows Hikage*

Kuzan POV: Not bad, not bad. They're doing pretty well at keeping up. *Speeds up*

Homura: You're not getting away! *Speeds up*

Kuzan: Come on! You don't wanna disappoint everyone.

Homura: Yeah we won't!

---------To be continued...

Nakiri & Scarlet: Road to Shinobiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن