Part 43: Shinobi Masters: Countdown

Comincia dall'inizio

*At Hanzo academy*

Reed: *Grabs the arrow* Too slow.

Red: It's Gekkō and Senkō! Where are they!?

Yellow: They already left.

Chosen one: They're fast on their feet.

Reed: It's rules regarding the Shinobi masters.

Roy: I was not expecting it to be this fast.

Reed: Roy! Where have you been!?

Roy: I was at Gessen Academy for some investigation. And I was right. Gekkō and Senkō are from Gessen. And they're twins. Not the most surprising I guess.

Reed: So you knew about this!?

Roy: Ye duh. I was gonna tell but they got here already.

Reed: I see. Let's get ready everyone. It's coming sooner than we thought.

Blue: What? When?

Reed: Tomorrow.

Roy: What the!? That's way to short!

Yellow: We have to use what we have to the fullest. Let's get ready. Let's prepare our battle gear and weapons.

Orange: Right on it! Let's move team!

Hanzō students: Right!


Reed: *Looks up* So this is the place.

Roy: Let's get in before we're too late.

Orange: Follow them I guess.

*In the stadium*

*Lights start flickering down*

Red: This looks like a concert.

Yellow: The LED lights work really well.

Reed: Be on guard my friends. We're Nearly there. Atleast, I hope so.

*The light shines on the Gessen girls*

Reed: *Waves at them* Good luck against us. You'll need it.

Minori: *Waves back* You too!

*The light shines on the Hebijo girls*

Shoko: It's kind of like a concert.

Roy: A deadly one at that.

Green: Can't be that bad. Right?

Ryōna: Pretty lights.

Ryōbi: Pretty excessive if you ask me.

Yumi: Be on guard everyone. This could all just be a set up.

Reed: I am aware of that possiblity. And if that was to happen, we have back up.

Miyabi: Being cautious is always nice. But a coward isn't going to win the Shinobi masters.

Yumi: There's only one reason we're participating in this tournament.

Reed: And that's to save our pals.

*The lights Shine on Hanzō academy*

Roy: Yodayo! Get ready for a show you'll never forget!

Red: Best believe it!

Orange: Let's make the most out of it guys!

Reed: Got it!

Chosen one: Let's take the crown and our friends back!

*More lights start shining*

Reed: Hmph. I was expecting you to show yourselves sooner.

Senkō: You can't talk about good and evil unless you watch this competition!

Gekkō: It's time to find out who will be the strongest ninja. In the name of the Shinobi masters!

Senkō: Just so you know this event is being streamed. Shinobi around the world are watching to see who will prevail.

Miyabi: What does she mean?

Reed: Idiot it's being broadcasted. Everyone can see this event.

Murasaki: Thank you for saying it.

Reed: No problem.

Senkō: Now it's time for the opening speech!

Fubuki: *Walks to the edge* Hello. I am Fubuki. The host of this tournament. And the reason why I summoned you here is because you are powerful warriors.

Reed & Roy: *Smile*

Stickmen: *Smirk*

Fubuki: You should be honored that you are invited to such a competition. I had my pick of soul winning fighters.

Yumi: That girl... I've seen her somewhere before.

Reed: Really? Where?

Yumi: I just don't remember.

Reed: We'll find out sooner rather than later.

Fubuki: Alright, it's time for the Shinobi masters to begin!

*The windows open showing a bright blue sky*

Reed: We're in for a bug one Roy!

Roy: And I'm pulling it in!

--------To be continued...

Nakiri & Scarlet: Road to ShinobiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora