Building Virtues

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Hearing a monotonous beeping, Eden's eyes tiredly peel open. Weakly rubbing her hand across her face, she blinks to refocus her vision. Yes it in fact is her human hand.


"I'm here my love! We're ok! Calm down my Edee!" Howling gleefully, Nile floods Eden with calming endorphins.

"ROME?!" Shooting up, Eden calls for him.

"Shhh, baby!" He chuckles tiredly. "The babies are sleeping."

Smiling at her gently, Rome points to the three passed out babies. Brooklyn sprawled between the lower parts of their legs, Cairo draped across her lap, and Britain passed out on Rome's chest.

"How?! Baby, we were-."

"Yeah, we were dying."

"Ro?" Feeling the tears roll down her cheeks at the realization that she and Rome were in fact dying, Eden cuddles her cheek deeper into his hand that is cupped around her wet cheek. "How?" She whispers through her tears.



"She has Eve's Blood."

"Wait what?"

"She was born with Eve's blood. Just like silver kills vamps and silver poison deteriorates them if it's not a high enough dosage, she can counteract both. Both Silver and Wolfsbane. Justice's little witch mate helped make the counter cure. They saved all the infected pack members. Not a trace of Wolfsbane poisoning in anyone."

"Oh my God! Thank the moon goddess for her!"

"Yeah, she is definitely an honorary RiverRun pack member for life. That girl has helped our pack in so many ways she has no idea. You know some pretty special ladies, Edee. You included. Y'all might be the first group of real female she-roes!"

"Yeah we're pretty kick ass!"

Leaning over their pups, Eden kisses Rome deeply. As they bask in their familial love dome, they just allow their love and peace to surround them.

Finally discharged from the hospital after a full week, Rome, Eden, and Britain are the picture of health. Falling into their groove of having three pups, they make it look easy. If being covered in Britain's spit up, Cairo's mushy food, and make-up from dress up dates and tea parties with Brooklyn is easy. Shortly following their release from the hospital they all take the much needed time to lay to rest all their fallen pack members. 

The group had an especially hard time releasing Jay's essence back to the moon Goddess. Especially Eden. Even though everyone makes a point to constantly tell her that the attack and deaths were not her fault, she shoulders that burden regardless. 

As her heels click and the sound echoes as she walks down the long dank hallway of the prison, Eden takes an enormously deep steadying breath as she pushes back the large steel door. Seeing the man she once truly loved chained, filthy, and broken truly kills her.


Hearing her soft voice he whips around and faces her. Or at least his physical body faces her. She doesn't know those cold dead red eyes. Being that his moon-heart was torn out during his shifted state, Tyson's eyes never returned to his normal warm beautiful brown. They stayed the frightening crimson from Titan's transitioned eyes. After removing his moon-heart and imprisoning him, Rome made it his personal business to interrogate Ty once he was released from the hospital. He refused to speak a word until he saw Eden. It took everyone literally over a month and a half after their discharge from the hospital to convince Rome to let Eden venture to see him. But they needed to know if there was any further looming threat that he may be privy to.

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