Good Faith and Moonlight

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Trying her hardest to stay lost in her fantasy world with Ty, Eden ignores as many mind links, calls, texts, and even emails as possible. However with a future husband as dogmatic as Rome it becomes impossible to ignore. Reluctantly after getting showered and dressed, Eden sits glumly on the end of Ty's bed. Trying to will herself out of his house, but she's afraid that if she leaves it will be their final goodbye.

"Edee?" His voice is so soft and soothing as he sits in his bathrobe gazing at her.

Blinking back her tears, she looks up at him.

"Yeah?" Replying about a decibel above a broken whisper, Eden looks up at him.

"Baby, we'll be ok." Giving her a small smile, he nods.

And that smile is all it takes for the tear floodgates to burst. That small little smile is his gentle goodbye. That small smile  is his comforting confirmation to her fear of losing him. That small smile is like a wrecking ball to any hope she had built that maybe just maybe there could be a blissful end for her and Ty. As the tears flow like tiny rivers down her cheeks, she's engulfed in his strong arms.


"I know, baby. I know."

Listening to her soft sobs, Ty has utterly nothing to lose. He has nothing to fear for his fear of their forbidden secret being exposed has in fact come true. So why waste anymore time? Why squander his one chance to really tell her.

"No matter what happens, Eden." Pulling back, he lifts her chin to look him in his eyes. "I love you and have always loved you. I've loved you since the day I laid eyes on you. I don't know why we were brought together again just to be torn apart, but I'll never stop loving you. And that's to my dying breath."

"Ty." Smiling gently through her tears, Eden softly places her palm to his cheek. "I love you too."

Kissing him tenderly, she finally musters up the strength to leave. Standing at his door, she gives him one last smile before kissing him deeply and passionately.

"I'll always love you, honeybuns."

"And I'll always love you, Edee."

As she drives away Eden truly understands what love is. Hearing him profess his love to her makes her realize just how much she has always loved him, always valued him, and she is beyond thankful to the moon goddess for allowing them these times together. But hearing his vow of love let's her realize that theirs is the love of a lifetime that is mis-chronicled.

That she and Ty's love is not for this timeline. And all she can do is take her lessons and learn from them. Learn that she has known a true, pure, kind love. A love to lead her through dark times, but now it's time for her to let that love go so that it can fly to the one who it truly belongs to. And now Eden knows that that truly is not her.

For if it was truly her's it would not be able to be taken from her in order to keep everyone around them safe. Selflessness is a virtue and that is precisely what Eden is demonstrating as she drives away from Ty's house and possibly him forever. 

The entire drive back she fights herself to turn around and devise a plan to run away with Ty, but how can she? She has Cairo now. She's no longer the single free 23 year old that could throw caution to the wind and just up and disappear.

No, she has a son who needs his father. She has a child that she vowed to not allow to miss any more time with his father. A father that she promised that she would never keep from him. So again, if it really was her love of a lifetime she would not ever be facing this conundrum.

Pulling into the large circle driveway of the pack house, Eden wants to crumple up and disappear. To have to face Rome in all his wrath over concretely knowing that she was sleeping with Tyson Ball makes Eden sick to her stomach. 

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