Alpha Luna

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"Yeah I think that would be a great addition to the pediatric wing! The kiddos are gonna be so excited when they see all the upgrades!"

"Hey Edee?"

Turning around to see her father in her doorway, Eden smiles and puts up one finger signaling her father to give her a minute. Playfully rolling his eyes and tapping the face of his expensive watch, he smiles back and nods.

"Ok, that would be wonderful! Can't wait to see the expansion when I visit the site next week. Mmhm, yes you too. Take care!"

Wrapping up her very exciting phone call she shoves her phone in the pocket of her pink silk  jumpsuit. Tucking her waist length thick onyx hair behind her ears, she walks over and hugs her father.

"Hey dad!"

"How's my favorite pup doin?"

"Haven't been a pup in years, daddy!" Giggling she kisses his cheek. "What's up?"

"Uhh, mom and I need to talk to you."

"Oohh, sounds kinda important." She smirks.

"Definitely is kiddo."

"Ok, can you give me like ten minutes? I have to resketch the pediatric wing entrance to accommodate the carousel!" Her eyes sparkle with whimsy as she can literally envision the pack pups playing on the colorful attraction.

"Ten minutes exactly, Edee. No more." Telling her sternly her father points at her for emphasis.

"Yes sir, alpha!" She laughs and salutes him.

Chuckling he walks out of her office and down the marble hallway to he and his wife's master suite.

"Hey love how'd she take it?"


Scratching the back of his neck he trails off and smiles sheepishly.

"Seriously Bentley? You didn't tell her?"

"I figured we'd tell her together."

"No, you want me to be the go between, like always." Smiling she shakes her head, causing her thick auburn colored curls to sway back and forth. "I can't believe you are one of the most respected and revered alphas of the century and still 23 years later that little girl still has you wrapped around her finger!"

"Edee will always be my baby, no matter how old she gets. That's what's making this twice as hard."

Sighing, Bentley sits in the deep navy blue velvet accent chair in their suite living room.

"I know B." Joining her husband, she sits on his lap and kisses him tenderly. "I know, but we knew this day was coming. We've put it off for 5 years without raising suspsions, but it has been our packs' treaty and tradition for five centuries. She'll understand. Its what she's been prepped for her whole life."

"I know, but it doesn't make it any easier."

"Make what easier?"

 Asking as she walks in and looks up from her phone, Eden scrunches her nose up and sticks her tongue out seeing her mother on her father's lap.

"Ewww! No one wants to see that!" She laughs.

"How do you think you got here, Missy?!"

"Nooo, ma! That's so nasty!"

"Whatever, prude!"

"If only you knew." Eden mumbles and snickers.

"What you say?!" Her father almost yells half hearing his daughter's mumbled rebuttle.

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