Will Ever Know

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After spending as much time as possible with Cairo before he became fussy, Rome finds Eden. As he holds his son, he quietly watches her sit in the windowsill and sketch. She looks so beautiful and truly at peace. As mad as he wants to be with her, the love he feels for her is immeasurable.

The utter selflessness she displayed coming back to River Run, after the way he hurt her, makes him love her even more. Yes he is truly crushed to know she hated him so much that she kept her pregnancy and their son a secret from him, but truly after the horrible parting they had, what could he expect? 

Hell after days of arguing, she walked in on him after cheating on her. And with the person that hated her the most and for literally no reason other than Eden was arranged to him. Watching her chew her lip, he remembers how she used to do that out of nervousness when he used to gaze at her intensely. And he notices that she's absentmindedly playing in her curls.

Those thick cashmere like curls he used to love running his hands through. She's utterly perfect and gave him the most perfect son known to the world. Both by wolf and human standards.

"He, uh. I think he's hungry."

Looking up from her drawing pad, Eden nods and stands up. Walking over to Rome, she waits for him to hand Cairo to her.

"Can I, um, have him when you're done?"

Nodding, Eden kisses the baby's cheek before turning around to sit back in the windowsill.

"I can have them make one of the rooms into a nursery. It can be the middle distance between our rooms."

Nodding again, Eden begins nursing Cairo.

"Eden, tal-."

"I don't have anything to say to you. You denied our son, Rome."

"Because you popped up outta no-fuckin-where with a five month old!"

"And why did I?! Because you couldn't keep your dick in your pants! Be honest for once, before I caught you, when was the last time you slept with Blake?!"

"Eden th-."

"Don't even try to say it's irrelevant! Because it is completely relevant! When?!"

"About a week or a little more before we started sleeping together."

"My fuckin point exactly! I was living here already! For a month and a half! I don't care that we were on shaky ground, you should have stopped! What if it took me like 6 months to fully warm up to you?! Would you have kept fuckin her?!"

"I don't know."

"And that's bullshit! Because you would have just been confirming for both she and I that no matter what comes out of your mouth about you and I, it was all bullshit."

"That's not true! The moment we started sleeping together I didn't do shit with her! I fucked her after the Ty shit!"

"So nothing happened when she popped up at dinner?! I know it was her!"

"She kissed me."

"Exactly, Rome. You kept leading her on. You're just as bad as her! Both of you said fuck me and continued to do what you wanted to do. So I'm glad I caught you because I deserve so much better."

"I didn't say fuck you, Eden. I was tryna figure out how to te-."

"Tell me?! That's always your damn excuse! Just fuckin say it! It's easy!"

"So you just say it! When's the last time you fucked Ty?!"

"Three years ago! I don't know what your obsession is with him, but unlike you, after I realized it was getting too deep with him I cut it off when I left BlackWolf Canyon and never spoke to him again. Until we ran into each other. His pack is literally 4 hours away! Why would I keep trying to have something that I know will never work?! That's just dumb!"

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