Meeting of the Minds

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Even after a shower so passionately intense and arousing that they caused the water to run cold, Eden and Rome literally made love until they passed out in her bed. For their bodies truly had no more to give. No fluids, no positions, no screams, or moans. They were completely spent.

Hearing her phone vibrate, wakes Rome up. As he lays with Eden sprawled out in his arms, he listens to her low light snores of utter exhaustion. Smiling softly to himself, he just basks in her aura; the aura he's truly missed since before their breakup. This spirals him back to the day on his office couch.

Wrapped in each other as she snores softly and he just gazes at her effortless beauty. Her wild black curls are thrown haphazardly all over her face, and her glorious naked feminine figure is pressed flush against his. Rubbing his nose in her hair, he literally breathes her in and her scent is giving him life.

Yes she smells absolutely mouthwatering, but her pheromones are quite literally the most intoxicating thing he and Legend have ever smelled. Being away from her and that entrancing smell, Rome finally realizes what Sincere smelled that day at his office door. It's a hypnotic smell that has him stuck in a trance. He truly wants to do nothing but lay there exactly like that and smell that heavenly smell all day. Everything else be damned.

Dancing his fingers ever so tenderly against her mocha skin, Rome is truly in love with her. Not has love for her. Not loves her. No, Rome Cannon Haven is utterly IN love with Eden Marley Lightfoot. And if he thought she would say yes, he would ask her to be his forever, to allow him to plan their soul convergence, and mark her; right then and there. His life up until this moment has never felt complete. Up until this moment his life has felt shallow and unfulfilled.

But here in her bed after a full night of uninterrupted mutually passionate intense love making, waking up to her still in his arms instead of her gone, and knowing his son and daughter are under the same roof as them, makes it all perfect. Makes his life perfect, makes it the happiest day of his life thus far.

"I love them so much." 

"I know, Lege. She's perfect on a level of perfection I've never experienced until experiencing her."

"She really is made in the moon goddess's image."

"Yeah, she is." As Rome presses his lips to her forehead, he hears Cairo beginning to whine. "Duty calls."

Whispering to himself, Rome climbs out of the bed to get the early afternoon started with the babies.

Finally beginning to stir, Eden rolls over to find the other side of her bed cold and empty. Sitting up, immediately all the negative thoughts she can conjure begin snaking through her mind as hurt and sadness sets into her heart.

Finally opening up to him and finally getting to privately spend the night with him, and he leaves. Feeling her tears drip down onto her hands in her lap, Eden sniffles softly as her head hangs in despair.

"Oh my gosh, baby why are you crying?"

Rushing over to her bed with Cairo in one arm and a breakfast tray in the other, Rome almost says to hell with the food and drops it to get to her as quickly as possible. Sitting the tray and Cairo on the bed, he grabs Eden in his arms and cuddles her on his lap.

"Baby, what's wrong? Please tell me." As worry stitches through his words, Rome brushes her hair out of her face and kisses her gently. "Edee what's wrong, mama?"

"I-. I'm sorry. I just-. I just thought you left in the middle of the night."

Whispering her answer, embarrassment floods through her as they jointly wipe away her tears.

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