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"Eden, sweetheart?"

Hearing Asia, Eden only becomes more homesick. Usually after a big blow up, her mom checks on her. But now it's Rome's mom and it makes her want to be up under her mother that much more.

"Eden? Knock knock? May I come in?"

Nodding her head, Eden turns around from the desk.

"Love, I'm so sor-."

"Please don't apologize for what he said and did, he's a grown man who makes horrible choices. I'm sorry and I know he's your son, but we just do not mesh well."

"I can understand that. You both are very headstrong, stubborn, determined, smart people. You both think your way is the only way. But you, unlike Rome, are compassionate with your decision making. He just thinks strategically and whatever happens just happens, consequences be damned."

"Well, with all due respect Luna  Asia, I don't operate like that. I thoroughly think about my choices before acting and it bothers me that Rome expects me to just sweep the fact that he has Brooklyn under the carpet. I know he has needs, I know he's 7 years older than me, and I know he waited for 5 years. I didn't expect him to be a pillar of virtue because no one is perfect. However I didn't expect him to be sloppy and create a child while taking care of those needs. I also didn't expect him to be so aggressive over me voicing my opinion about not being OK with Brooklyn's creation. I have the right to be disappointed about that. I don't know how Rome feels about marriage and mates, but I take that very seriously. I may not be traditional in a lot of senses, but those things and family I hold very dear. So this is not what I expected from this arrangement. I knew it was going to be hard and a major adjustment, but this is not what was supposed to happen."

"I know, Eden and I'm beyond sorry. I don't know about you, but I dreamed of finding my soulmate when I was a little girl. I didn't have all the responsibility and weight on my shoulders like you do. I met Scott, fell madly in love and the rest is history. I've tried to get Rome to see that what you two have requires work, an open mind, and compassion. But he wants it to be as if you two were destined soulmates."

"Yes I dreamed of having what my parents have. I was prepped for it and even made to believe that this whole arrangement was a match making ceremony. But a week before I met Rome, my parents told me the truth."

"Which is?"

"I don't have a soulmate. Like Ada because we are Alpha Lunas and can rule on our own, we don't need a mate to unlock our potential. The moon goddess did that just in case we never came across our mate that our gifts and abilities wouldn't be squandered. So I can fall in love with who I choose, but it won't ever give me that soul connection feeling it gives other wolves. And unfortunately unlike soulmates, I can fall out of love. And that's the part that scares me. Is that I will never find someone to fully capture my heart. So with this it just solidifies my fear. Because Rome and I are not compatible. So I have to look forward to a loveless, seemingly hard, combative marriage."

"Aw Eden, honey. Please don't think that. You guys just have to try, that's all. Like try like you want this to work. And I'm sure it will."

"There everyone goes with this whole unions are work stuff. I know that. But this isn't work for a union I want. It's forced and I have to make it work for the sake of our packs' safety and stability. But it is what it is."

"I believe it will get better, sweetheart. It just takes time. But he better apologize before the end of the night. I didn't raise him to yell and lose his temper at a female like that. So for that I do apologize."

"I accept your apology."

"Well, I'll give you some space. I'm sure you want some."

"Thank you. I truly appreciate it."

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