Chapter 49 || Wake Up Call.

Start from the beginning

Maddox shot away, grabbing the curtain and dragging it open. "Look! Mateo, fucken look."

I shot my head to him, and my body collapsed onto itself as I fell limp. He ran back to me, checking my arms because they were bleeding now from me ripping the lines out, but me? I stared at my sun and moon laying in the bed a few feet away from me. I never thought that love, and peace was giving to people like me. My dad must have been some lucky mistake. But I have been a sinner, and I'm sure there is a place in hell for me. My name, it's craved somewhere there, just for me, my own hell. But there, a few feet away from me laid a girl who I'm a million percent sure has her own palace in heaven.

I never expect to fall in love with someone like Lina. I never thought I would have the privilege of it because people like me they don't deserve her love. The law of the universe says a man like me doesn't deserve anything soft, or good, but I defined it. I am in love with the world's sweetest soul that bleed goodness. With ever single part of her, every pieces and crumble, I love.

I could compare her to every sunset, and sunrise. I could compare her to every beautiful thing that is on this earth but it's not enough, She's more then that. She's the blood that runs through my veins and gives me life. The beat in my chest. The thought's in my mind. She was what makes me live, and all of me is breathing for, and about her.

I felt myself be pulled back into the bed by my dad. "Give her to me." I practically begged.

Maddox shook his head. "Mateo your fucken hurt. You need to rest, and so does she."

I can't rest until she's in my arms. Doesn't he understand that? I looked at him, tears raining out of me, and I couldn't find one shit to give. She jumped in front of me. She was ready to give up her life for me. For what? For me to just fill that spot in hell a little while later? Because that's what would have happened. I wouldn't have stayed here. Not for anyone, not without her.

    I would lose the blood in my vein's if she was gone. I would lose myself.

I chocked. "Please."

Maddox ran both of his hands through his face in frustration, and even in his own pain before looking at my dad. "Talk some sense into your son. He shouldn't even be moving and his already creating a fucken mess."

I turned to look at my dad. And I don't know if it's because he knows what it's like to love deeply, and to lose deeper. Or if he just took pity of me but he walked around my bed, and towards Lina. I watched every single one of his movements on the edge of a break down. I watched him lift her gently into his arms, and she barely stirred. Which causing me to start panicking, air hitting the back of my throat. Maddox laid his palm on my shoulder. "She's out of drugs too. She has more then you. Her surgery went well, but they had to take her spleen out from the damage. She's going to recover, and the doctor said there shouldn't be any last effects."

I stared at her, thinking that only love can be this brutal to make me hate and love that I want her this much. Only it could destroy every last piece of me, and then give me the cure to mend myself back.

I didn't bother asking about myself because I didn't care in this second. I'm sure if it was bad enough, they would have told me. I felt fine, and it was just thought fucken dugs messing me up. This is why I don't do them. "No drugs next time." I muttered, keeping my attention on my dad carrying her.

    "Next time?" Maddox gapped, "You better be fucken kidding. I had to be sedated because of you."

I looked at him. "Really?" I hope his kidding. But his harsh breath, and terrifying eyes told me he wasn't. I stiffened, "Are you okay?"

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