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Tomorrow is Friday then comes the day Genevieve has been looking forward too. She can't wait to see what Christen has in store for her.

She wonders where the place he talks about is. A place where girls like her go to get trained? Genevieve can't think of one place.

That can be anywhere. Even maybe is his house? Genevieve blushes at the idea of her going to and seeing his place. She wants to explore the home of Professor Stone.

While Genevieve is deep in her thoughts her bestie Lacey comes in the dorm after a long day of classes.

"Hey Lacey!"

Genevieve turns her head to face Lacey, hoping to keep a conversation going.

Lacey stops walking towards her side in the dorm.

"Umm hey."

Lacey says without lifting her head to look at Genevieve.

Genevieve notices how distant Lacey has been. Lacey is always happy to see Genevieve. She never really gets distant towards Genevieve or even other people.

So when Genevieve sees what's happening, she gets scared. She hopes that she isn't dealing with anything bad. Genevieve doesn't want to crowd her with questions, so hopefully Lacey will tell Genevieve what's wrong soon.

Genevieve returns her head back to her algebra book—trying her hardest study and not to think about Christen's dick.

Which means Genevieve didn't study at all.


"Simone I told you! You can't raid Area 51. You'll die!"

Genevieve and Simone are talking at their usual spot during lunch.

"Not if I run fast enough!"

Simone gets up and starts running in place. Genevieve laughs at the hyper Simone getting looks during lunch.
Genevieve doesn't realize yet but Lacey is working herself up to ask Genevieve the burning question.

Lacey walks to the walking duo and taps Genevieve on the shoulder. Genevieve turns around to see Lacey standing behind her.

"Hey Lac! How'd your class go?"
Lacey turns her head to the side upset by Genevieve's question.

"Are you ever gonna tell me? Or are you gonna keep it a secret?"

Lacey feels that she is losing her best friend, she doesn't want to stay near her. If she does, she feels she will lose the power of controlling her tears.

Genevieve watches as her best friend storms off. Genevieve has no clue what Lacey is talking about. Genevieve didn't wait long till she ran after her best friend.

Genevieve catches up to Lacey and grabs her hand.

"What's wrong?"

Genevieve says still holding onto Lacey's hand.

Lacey turns her body and to make eye contact with Genevieve. Lacey looks around them to see if anyone can hear them talk before opening up to Genevieve.

"I know about you and your Professor."

Lacey says in a whisper. Genevieve's heart starts pounding at the words from Lacey. Genevieve is hoping that no one else saw them too.

"Were you ever gonna tell me? Did you think I would tell on you? Do you not trust me anymore?"

Lacey's words hold a lot of hurt and Genevieve can hear it.

"Of course I trust you. This whole situation with my Professor is a lot. I planned on telling you after I got a better understanding of what is truly happening. I'm sorry. I really am. Please don't feel I don't trust you. I trust you with my life Lac."

Lacey looks at Genevieve feeing all the hurt wash away from her. Lacey misses Genevieve, even though she found out about her and her Professor two days ago. It was hard on Lacey to not get excited to be around Genevieve.

"Are you still mad at me?"

"No, not anymore... but you own me all the juicy details."

Genevieve nods her head happily. Genevieve opens her arms for Lacey to open her's too. They hug each other squeezing till either of them can breathe.

During their hug they hear the bell go off, telling them lunch is over. They break the hug and say their goodbyes. Lacey walks off but then turns around to look back at Genevieve.

"Don't get hurt Gen. Be careful."

Genevieve turns around and gives her a smile. Lacey is right. Genevieve can't get hurt anymore. She now has  what she has been looking for. Genevieve is hoping she won't lose it.

Genevieve walks down the hallway to her next class, passing in front of Christen's door. They know they are standing their but they don't look at each other.

Not trying to put any attention on them. Before she can fully pass by the door, Lewis stops her from walking further. Christen can see them perfectly.

"Hey Genevieve, can we talk?"

Genevieve doesn't really know how to feel about him or his words, but she hears him out.

"Sure Lewis. What's on your mind?"

"Well I want to tell you I'm sorry for the way I was acting. I was hoping that we could throw out the question I asked you a couple days ago. I can see you aren't interested in me but I still want to be friends. Is that okay?"
Genevieve can see Lewis isn't very comfortable after telling her he wants to be friends. Genevieve smiles at his awkwardness. She puts her hand on his shoulder.

"I'd like that Lewis. You are a good guy. I'm sorry I don't have feelings towards you."

Lewis looks up and gives Genevieve a big smile. Christen grits his teeth seeing their interaction.

"I'll see you in class tomorrow!" Lewis  walks off, waving at her.

"See you then!"

Genevieve smiles seeing Lewis walk away happy. But when she turns around to walk tmr her next class. She makes eye contact with Christen. 

Christen's eyes hold the most dominance that she has every seen. Genevieve's eyes get wider as she keeps looking at her Professor.

She breaks the eye contact, remembering that she is in public. She walks with her head down, and only having Christen's eyes in her head.

"I'm fucked"

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