Chapter 11

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But little did we know that gut feeling of his was a sign of somthing different.

I was brought out of my thoughts as I heard the door of the cafe being opened and there he stood; The person who was always with me when I was in need of someone

Kim Taehyung

Dreassed up in nicely in a three piece suit, he walked up elegantly towards us looking as handsome as always.

"Welcome back, Ma lady" He smiled and winked at me. I smiled back and spoke "You are late". this made him slightly chuckle and shake his head. Pulling out the chair infront of me, he sat on it looking around.

"Never knew you would come back here again" He spoke mindlessly but soon realised his mistake. He bit his tongue and looked at me but before he could say anything, I spoke "Don't you dare say sorry if you don't want me to break your head right here" . I tried to lighten his mood and I already saw a huge guilt written across his face.

He is always careful with his actions and words around me but he is also a human so he could also commit mistakes,right?

After we completed our light snacks, I headed out of the cafe meanwhile Taehyung paid the bill.As I stepped out of the cafe, a driver approached me and spoke "Mam, Sir sent your car back to the house." I furrowed my eyes and asked "Then how am I supposed to go?"

"With me" I heard a deep voice behind me.

I closed my eyes listening to his heartbeat, as I laid my head on his chest. His left hand was wrapped around my shoulder and the right one caressing my baby bump. He was humming a familiar lyrics. the lyrics which has always calmed me.

She looks like a blue parrot
Would you come fly to me?
I want some good day, good day, good day Good day, good day Looks like a winter bear You sleep so happily

I smiled a bit. As I relaxed a bit more in my hubby's embrace remembering the day I met him the

last time before our marriage.

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