Chapter 10

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Two youth were sitting at the last table in the far corner of the cafe drinking coffee while planning ,scratch that while fighting on something.

"I said and its final, the theme should be a fairy one" The girl said and folded her hands on her chest leaning back on her chair lettiing out a huff.

"No no absolutely not Miss. It can't be a fairy one."The boy defended as if his life depended on it.

"Jimin, Lets do something out of the theme then" The girl leaned on the table and pouted infront of him.

"And thats why I say lets run away Soyeon-ah" The girl face palmed herselflistening to his stupid talks. She can't understand whats with his fetishes of running away on their own wedding. She can't just possibly run away only to marry the same groom she is marrying. The whole scenario was senseless to her. Looking at the man infront of her pouting like a child who is arguing for his candy, she just released a deep sigh and got up from her seat.

"I am going, do whatever you want." She took her handbag from the chair next to hers and left the cafe.

As she was walking on the pavement, a warm hand slid into hers entangling their fingers. Recognising the fingers, she knew the owner and hence did not look at him and just kept walking. Meanwhile the person knew she was angry on him now, so he just spoke, "Sorry I was just messing with you." Of course he was just messing with her afterall teasing has been always on the top of his bucket list.

The girl slightly smiled to herself and quickly tightened her grip on his hold as if showing that she isn't angry anymore.

"Lets go the the park, okay?" Jimin suggested as the Soyeon nodded.

Reaching the park, they saw many children playing here and there. Some running down the slide, some sitting on merry go round, young mothers sitting in groups, some nanny helping children to climb down their swings. The whole park was lively. The grasp of Jimin on Soyeon's hand tightened gaining her attention.

"See carefully. Soon we will be also having these angels running around our house" Jimin spoke as he looked with twinkling eyes around the park. Meanwhile Soyeon? Well she was red like a tomato. "I want two beautiful princesses" He looked at Soyeon as if a child asking for his chocolate. Soyeon quickly looked away becoming redder if possible.

This made Jimin purse his lips to suppress a laugh seeing his cute little fiance turning red.

While they were standing near a swing, Jimin suddenly blurted out, "I want to name my first child Dasom if it is a girl or Young ho if it is a boy". Soyeon furrowed her eyebrows as she asked "Why?" Jimin chuckled and brought her closer as he spoke "Both means love and they will be the symbol of our love"

They spent their whole evening in the park strolling around. This has become their daily routine. As it is both of their vacation, they have decided to go on small date regularly.

As the sun was seetting, the whole park turned red. The children had already left with their guardian. Just a few were left. Soyeon stood up from the bench speaking "Lets go Jimin, its getting late"

Jimin just held her hand pulling back to her seat sliding towards her. He kept his hand behind her head and put her head on his right shoulder wrapping his right hand around her torso. His left hand took hold of her right hand. " Please stay for a bit more." The embrace was too comfortable for Soyeon to leave and hence she just obliged him staying still.

After half an hour, Soyeon finally stood up breaking his hug "Lets go now, we can come tomorrow too." Releasing a sigh, Jimin stood up and smiled a bit brigging Soyeon into his hug. This caught her off guard especially when she suddenly felt his chest going up and down in an unevenly manner. Quickly she looked up to find tears trickling down his eyes. Her eyes flashed worriedness as she cupped his face.

"Hey. Why are you crying? What happened?" She asked wiping his tears with his thumb. She now felt guilty of breaking out of his hug so abruptly.

"I don't know Soyeon. I am just feeling so restless as if something isn't right. I don't know what to do. A really feeling is building up daily in me as if I am soon gonna lose you. I don't wanna leave you, not again. Please never leave me. I know I might not be your ideal type but I will try my best. I will always take care of you. i will keep uyou like a qu-" His blabbering was cut off by a paire of lips on his, their first kiss. It was just the attachment of lips and no involvement of tongue. He closed his eyes savouring the moment, feeling a pair of soft lips against them. The sky had already turned black. The street light was illuminating the place. there were no one in the park except this couple.

After a while, they broke the kiss and Soyeon attached her forehead with his. "I am not gonna leave you. Okay? Now stop overthinking and lets go."This did not remove that feeling from Jimin but it did sure calmed down his racing heart. He smiled lightly at her as Soyeon reciprocated his gesture.

He finally decided to shrug of those feelings knowing Soyeon is always beside him

But He should have not done that.

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