Chapter 25 { Problems already }

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Tay's P.O.V.

Honestly I have been spending days being carefree and not thinking about my dad at all. But yeah today is the day when I can't just ignore the fact that dad is going to create a problem. The bigger problem is that Off knows that dad is coming back home today. If he didn't knew I'd never tell him what dad said. But seriously like if dad does something serious?

Uh fuck it! Calm down Tay!? How can I fucking calm down when the villain of my love story will be present here at any minute!? Why in the fuck my dad had to be a famous businessman?!

Damn! Damn! Damn! I'm getting crazy!

*Ring ring*

Who the fuck is calling at this anxious time!? Oops it's Off... Okay Tay calm down and take the call... Off shouldn't get to know that you are scared as fuck.

“Hey Off!" Okay I'm trying to show the best of my cheerfulness.

“Hi Tay..."

“Hey what happened? Why are you sounding like this?"

“I am sorry..."

“Why are you being sorry Off? You haven't done anything wrong..."

“I am sorry because I can't accompany you at such a difficult time... I remember as your best friend... I had promised you that when you'll come out to your dad... I'll be by your side... Supporting you... But look at me now... I can't even hold myself together..."

“Hey Off! Don't be like this! I know and understand you very well... You don't worry... I will handle it by myself. Trust me I will be fine..."

“Ummm... Tay... Can I ask you something?"

“Hmmm sure."

“If we have to break up, we still can be friends, right?"

“Off... We won't have to break up... I promise..."


“Yes. There is no way dad or anyone else in this world can make me break up with you."

“Ummm... Tay... Take care... I am rooting for us..."

“Hmm... You don't think too much baby it'll be fine."

“Here you go again, using the cringe words."

“And you can't stop me from using them!"

“They are lame!"

“Okay... Not a problem..."

“You are sick."

“And you are my babe."

“Ewww Tay!"


“I am talking to you if keep using the cringe lame words."

“Okay okay lame words are enough for today. Next is for later. I hang up now. Dad's car has reached the house gate."

“Okay... Tay... All the best."

“All the best to you too... Keep your phone close, I'll call you to update what happened."

“Um... Bye..."

“Bye Off..."

I took a deep breath, preparing myself to go downstairs and meet dad. Dad entered inside the house getting greeted by all the house workers. He sat on the sofa and looked at me. I immediately greeted him.

“Hey dad! How have you been doing?" Damn I actually asked the wrong question.

“And are you expecting me to say that I am doing great?"

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