Chapter 17 { Bad decisions }

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Off's P.O.V.

I am tired everyday, everyday I do my routine, earn my living, work hard. All these have tired me. Like seriously I'm tired. Everyday I am tired and I was also tired in the past but now why Tay is comforting me when I'm tired? Today after Tay dropped me at home after work... He patted my head and said, “Well done Off... You did a great job today..." Honestly at that moment... I felt like I won the universe. I don't know why and how... Tay is feeling like the universe to me...

The whole night I kept thinking about Tay... Like what all stuff we did together... Every innocent interaction between us... Tay getting to know about his sexual orientation and me being his number one supporter at that time... Tay getting me everything I wanted... Us eating, studying and even sleeping together everyday... Like why does it all seems special out of nowhere?! Hard to answer for me... Why does the little things we used to do are more special now?! Why is Tay doing all these new stuff for me, why!? Why do I want him to make both physical and heart contract with him!? I guess that I'm in love with Tay....


Okay let me just say it aloud that falling for your best friend isn't something very good or something to be proud of, specially when his family helped you out for years. Like firstly Tay's dad doesn't knows that he is gay. Secondly according to me and Tay, uncle is not gonna like the fact that his only child gay. I mean... Someone so rich and influential like him is surely into heredity and this kind of stuff. I can't just betrayal him like this... Like I support Tay's sexual orientation so as mine. But if it's us... I'm sure that uncle will think of me as a whore who just sucked up his son. The least thing I want is to uncle hate me... He is my guardian since years... So I need to put a full stop on my feelings about Tay...

I know it's gonna hurt like breaking your heart two times in a row... But anyways I'm going to do it. Plus I need to have a talk with Arm to confirm if it's just me or Tay too? Like I don't understand what Tay is doing nowdays but it is taking us nowhere.

I went to Arm's house after university. Like yes inside university I just couldn't talk with him at all because of Tay. Like can you imagine the guy who sat besides me for years now just doesn't only sits besides me but also plays with my hair and his touches burns my skin everytime... Like I'm going insane out of nowhere! I am just not understanding myself! The friend who was a friend for more than ten years is not a friend anymore? Like why and how? Is it because we both are heart broken or what? I don't want to love him in that way... He is my friend... He is the son of my legal guardian. He is the guy I spent years with... Why did my feelings even changed at this point!?

“Hey Off! Are you lost or what!? Why are you standing outside the door and didn't even rang the doorbell!?" Arm as asked as he waved his hand in front of my face which made me come out of my thoughts.

“Well... There is something... I need to consult with you..."

“Okay I knew that this was coming."


“Are you like gonna gonna here? Come inside!"


I went inside Arm's huge house like more huge than Tay's house. Wait I need to stop thinking about Tay in every matter.

“Off do you want tea, coffee, milkshake, juice or cold drinks?" Arm asked.

“Umm... Juice will be fine..."

“Okayyy I'm coming in a second!" Arm said and rushed to the kitchen. In a few minutes Arm came back with two glasses of juice and a bottle of juice which is of another flavour. Like he is always like this.

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